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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. My understanding is that some believe that there was not a reason for the cop to shoot the guy. The brachial artery is in the arm, if it is severed by a bullet a person can "bleed out" in minutes.
  2. I said that EVERY black person gunned down is not guilty of a crime. SOME are shot needlessly. It appears that you believe that the person shot ALWAYS causes his demise.
  3. If a cop shoots someone and the person goes down, shouldn't the cop stop shooting? What is the procedure in these type of cases?
  4. And.......I didn't know that smoking weed is a capital offense punishable by death.
  5. You have some valid points, but it doesn't make family members hurt less, because you can only name 4 people, when their brother, father etc is gunned down by a cop. I am not saying that every cop is wrong, there are instances where the shooting is justified, but there are also instances when the cop is wrong. We say Black lives matter not because we think that white lives don't matter. That has been taught to us for centuries. That movement is trying to remind people that we matter; as well.
  6. The Dallas shooting was ridiculous
  7. At first she was calm, because she stated that he was shot in the arm. She probably didn't think it was a serious injury. She was on Facebook live to show what the officer was doing. Once she realized it was a potentially fatal injury she was hysterical.
  8. Who had the largest increase in the national debt?
  9. You just can't admit that the police officer may be wrong. Surely, you don't believe that every black person gunned down like an animal deserves it.
  10. He was shot by an Asian cop, so some of you that are white can stop being defensive and admit this is a senseless killing. Smh. Why was the girlfriend handcuffed?
  11. This is a classic case of deflecting.
  12. Why aren't the Republicans commenting?
  13. So, if we would've threatened them with the prospect of War, what would that have accomplished?It is really hard for me to take a person seriously when they admit that they don't have a high intellect like he did at the beginning of his speech.
  14. The Republican party of Lincoln is not the Republican party of today. The parties switched ideologies between Lincoln and F. Roosevelt. I learned that in 5th grade. Your party cannot take credit for freeing the slaves. Allen West was voted out of Congress, what makes you think he could've become the POTUS? [Hidden Content]
  15. Roflmbo. The product of that dream?
  16. Because he is giving a speech and I can only guess as to what he is talking about. I think he is saying that the US should not have signed a treaty with Iran and he is stating that we should've threatened to go to War. Steve, is that what he is saying?
  17. If he is saying we should go to War, then his supporters should be the first ones to sign up to fight. President Obama is not the first president to sign treaties with other countries.
  18. He sounds insane. Nothing that he says has merit. Is he saying that we should go to War?
  19. Can you answer my question ? I will then answer yours. A GOP led Congress is supposedly so great at curtailing spending. The Democrats, according to some of you guys, are terrible.
  20. NO!!!. My husband refuses to open carry and he is in his 40s.
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