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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. How do you know? Wasn't she elected to all of her positions? Did she sleep with millions of people?
  2. Why is he building a wall in Colorado? It does not border Mexico. How far is Orange TX from the Louisiana state line? The Texas Panhandle is 8 hours, over 500 miles from Colorado.
  3. I will the video I posted has my identifying info from Facebook. Trump said that Colorodo is a border state.
  4. Only parts of the child was left in her. It was an incomplete abortion. [Hidden Content] The procedure would also be allowed when a fetus is deemed “medically futile.” If a physician violates the law, they risk losing their license. They could also face up to a decade in prison. It’s the combination of the vague wording and high personal stakes for the medical providers that create a situation where a patient like Thurman can fall through the cracks, said Greer Donley, an associate professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh who is a national expert on abortion. “They’re afraid that if they act too quickly, they could lose their freedom, their vocation, everything – like the stakes are exceptionally high,” Donley said. “And so, you have to understand when you think about the vague laws, how you would act, how any rational person would act when those are the stakes of trying to understand vague laws.”
  5. In my opinion no, and I would've treated her, but doctors say that is left up to interpretation so they are afraid of going to prison. It's a sad situation
  6. This is an example. A woman has diabetes and HTN before her pregnancy. If complications arise because of her chronic condition, the abortion is illegal. If a woman develops preeclampsia ( high blood pressure that can cause status epilepticus) because of the pregnancy, and something life threatening occurs, the doctor can intervene
  7. She told 1 lie and he told 33. She should've been checked when she told that lie.
  8. An abortion can only occur when the baby is still in the uterus.
  9. What makes you think that they are illegal?
  10. What makes you think that they are desperate to the point that they eat cats or dogs? They are legal immigrants. You are making an assumption.
  11. However, Georgia's ban considers a D&C a felony if performed outside of specific circumstances and could land doctors behind bars for up to 10 years. This makes doctors hesitate [Hidden Content]
  12. The Haiten diet consists of rice with a variation of spices. They don't eat dogs. In some Asian countries dogs are considered edible. The dog meat trade is most widespread in China, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Nagaland in northern India.
  13. What don't you like about her resume?
  14. This is ridiculous
  15. You can only be on TANF for 5 years, they hunt down the father's and make them pay, which is great
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