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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. I'm not dying on my knees with someone holding a gun to my head. I'll fight back. If he gets me, then good for him. If he doesn't, shame on him. Roflmbo
  2. She probably fears for her life. Families of the victims might want revenge. Do you remember when Zimmerman went into hiding?
  3. I DON'T. If I did I wouldn't be any different than you, because you believe that every Muslim is bad, which is ludicrous,
  4. That dude is racist. Stop trying to defend him.
  5. He does. He doesn't have a filter. He is going to build a fence , because you know, he is good at doing things like that. He is smart so he can build the fence and he will make umm the Mexican government pay for the fence, because he is smart and it needs to be built and he is good at things like that.
  6. Geez, it was a joke. I know you are not illiterate. I guess I "ruffled your feathers "
  7. A lot of illiterate, racist people live in rural areas (Kkk members, Steve Nash etc),while intelligent people who vote for Democrats live in the most populated areas...........
  8. Trump will not become President. Nash's last two predictions were incorrect. He doesn't know a lot about politics. Nappy, I think it is hilarious that they think we are the same person. How dumb can one be?
  9. You can't blame EVERY Muslim for the actions of extremists . You can't blame every white man for the actions of the kkk.
  10. No one knows what was said. There is not any audio evidence. I posted an article yesterday which stated that some families said that she told them about the video, while other families said she never mentioned a video. Hillary Clinton is a lawyer, was a Senator and Secretary of the State. What are Trump's political accolades?
  11. Are you talking about lynching via hanging? I read that the last known one occurred in 1982 (during my era) which is ridiculous. I thought those type of lynchings stopped in the late 60s early 70s. You can lynch someone without hanging them according to the definition of lynching. I.e James Byrd's, from Jasper, death is considered a lynching.
  12. The GOP has been slowly dying for years. This may actually save the party. Trump is not fit to lead our country. I never thought I would say this, but Ted Cruz would be a better choice.
  13. Yep, like Clive Bundy. (I think that is his name).
  14. They are not breaking any rules. The delegates have the final say, just like the electoral college.
  15. So, you don't have any money, because the federal government has taken all of your earnings? How do you eat?
  16. An executive order has to be approved by the Supreme Court. Geez, you didn't know?
  17. "Why Trump may still face a delegate mutiny" Abcn.ws/1y08moj According to this news outlet, 36 delegates dialed into a conference call discuss ways to stop Trump from receiving the nomination in Cleveland
  18. I don't agree. It is all about the approach. I think homosexuality is a sin. (We all sin and fall short), but I would never say "look you fag##t, you need to get it together" or" the gay people deserved to die in Orlando. You know you reap what you sow".
  19. Look at #25. To what do you think he was referring? Please enlighten me.
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