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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. When one is discussing or debating political matters the size of one's penis shouldn't enter the conversation. Ijs
  2. I don't know if she said that. Some families said she did, some said she didn't according to politifact in an article entited. "What did Hillary Clinton tell the families of those who lost their lives in Benghazi. There are not any audio recordings so we will never know. Here are some statements of those who said she didnt Www.politifact>truth-o meter>article
  3. BENGHAZI!!!!! Is what you will hear from Republicans when they can't come up with a logical rebuttal. They know that a Republican committee didn't find any wrongdoing on Hillary Clinton's part..Trump is a loose canon. ..BENGHAZI!!!!. It appears that Trump is incapable of logical thought.....BENGHAZI or EMAILGATE.
  4. It is spelled correctly. I didn't put the space between Dela. Why would you say that this is a spelling error?
  5. Posinious gas is not a weapon of MASS destruction.
  6. Why are you guessing? Shouldn't he have already articulated his plans.
  7. Yet, no one has attacked us. They can't think he is too weak.
  8. 29 OF THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS DONALD TRUMPS QUOTES Www.marieclarie.co.uk>features. I ONLY PICKED A FEW 4. You know, it really doesnt matter what the media write as long as youve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass. Trump proves (again) that he views a woman's looks over anything else... 6. I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me and Ill build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. 8. Our great African-American President hasnt exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore. Dont worry, his racist outbursts aren't just directed at Mexico. 10. All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me consciously or unconsciously. Thats to be expected. Because of course, no woman can resist Trump's charms. [Throws up on keyboard] 13. Its freezing and snowing in New York we need global warming! Definitely not missing the point.. 14. Ive said if Ivanka werent my daughter, perhaps Id be dating her. Possibly (/definitely) one of the creepiest things we've ever heard... 15. My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body. 17. I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that Im more honest and my women are more beautiful. Women aren't possessions, Donald. They can't belong to you. 25. "Look at those hands, are they small hands? And, [Republican rival Marco Rubio] referred to my hands: 'If they're small, something else must be small.' I guarantee you there's no problem. image: [Hidden Content]
  9. GOP Elder Says He'll Vote For Clinton, Trump Isn't 'Willing To Learn' Www.talkingpointsmemo.com Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of the state under President GW Bush plans to vote for Hillary Clinton. Is this a true story?
  10. I agree, because you are not as smart as I am. It is akin to Floyd Mayweather fighting a washed up Oscar Dela Hoya., but it is great that you know when to "throw in the towel"
  11. You are not privy, because he hasn't explained how he plans to make America great again. He just says stuff without thinking
  12. What about people that are not Muslims who are on the terror watch list?
  13. I want someone who is well versed in politics. Again, I wouldn't want a cardiologist performing brain surgery. I am a Registered Nurse; therefore, I had to obtain a nursing degree. My son is pre'med at Baylor, because he aspires to become a doctor. He hopes to enter medical school one day. According to your logic he doesn't have to go to medical school. We don't need "career" doctors, we just need people who can rotate in and out of a surgical room.
  14. Englebert, I never lied. I posted information from Time Magazine and Politico. You can't handle the truth, can't you? :). You are deflecting again.
  15. I saw a post today and you mentioned emailgate. Is that all that you have?
  16. He is not going to win. Is that the only thing you can think of? How much thought did you put into that comment? Didn't you say Romney would defeat Obama? Yes, you did; therefore, I don't respect anything you have to say in regards to this election
  17. Because you can't win. Lmbo. I answered your questions. You need to go back and read the posts. Smh. How do you know my stats are wrong? I gave you all of the sites.
  18. How is that going to make America "great" again. Please don't make me revisit that Muslim terrorist issue i.e (white males commit more terrorist attacks ). Is he still going to force them to register with the federal government? Is he going to make the Mexican government build a wall? What he is saying is not plausible. It is mere conjecture. Has he ever said how he plans to make America great again? I don't think he knows.
  19. Who is being investigated by the FBI? I feel that a person who doesn't have any political experience shouldn't be eligible to run for President. That is akin to a dermatologist performing heart surgery. I would prefer a cardiologist.
  20. Nope. Steve, are you still talking about Benghanzi, and emailgate? I hope not. It has been 1 1/2 years. I hope that you have "moved on" or maybe you don't have anything else to talk about.
  21. Hillary hasn't committed treason and you still haven't answered my question. How does Trump plan on making America great again? I gave you the link so that you can read about her accomplishments. Did you? Which of the accomplishments listed is incorrect.
  22. I am not sure how long you have been commenting on this board, but I am sure that you have noticed that it is impossible to have a logical debate with some of these people. They are, as some old people will say "set in their ways" I took a 1 1/2 year hiatus, because I realized that they had preconceived notions and they were not willing to listen to reason. It is sad, because the same people are using the exact same arguments to support their political ideologies. I knew that some of them would support Trump, even though, he doesn't stand for anything, which is sad. My advice to you is to have fun and don't get frustrated. I learned that over time. Kill them with facts, because they don't have any.
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