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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. What you are doing is a classic case of deflection. Can you please answer the question.
  2. Politico>hillary Here are some of her accomplishments as Secretary of the State. She wasn't an epic failure.Which triumph from her many years in office will be most important on the campaign trail? Not surprisingly, those surveyed all came up with an answer to defend their party’s likely presidential nominee. Whether these count as “marquee,” “significant,” or “tangible”? You be the judge. *** ‘It’s kind of hard to pick one accomplishment’ By Bill Burton, former senior strategist for Priorities USA Action, a super PAC in support of President Barack Obama. It’s kind of hard to pick one accomplishment for Hillary Clinton. Personally, I’m sure she’d say her daughter and grandchild are her greatest accomplishments. Professionally, how about these three? 1. Her China speech on women. 2. Her role in killing Osama bin Laden. 3. Management of the State Department during which time we saw a 50 percent increase in exports to China, aggressive work on climate (particularly at Copenhagen), and the effort to create and implement the toughest sanctions ever on Iran—helping to lead us to the agreement currently on the table. *** ‘The sanction on Iran that brought them to the table’ Howard Dean is the former governor of Vermont and the former chair of the Democratic National Committee. Hillary Clinton was the principal author of the sanction on Iran that brought them to the table. We cannot afford any Know Nothings like Carly in the White House. *** ‘Nearly every foreign policy victory of President Obama’s second term has Secretary Clinton’s fingerprints on it’ By Harry Reid, Senate Democratic leader. American foreign policy was stronger when Hillary Clinton left the State Department than when she arrived. She took the reins from a Bush administration that had left America’s reputation deeply damaged and planted the seeds for the foreign policy successes we see today. From the agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, to the landmark normalization of relations with Cuba, nearly every foreign policy victory of President Obama’s second term has Secretary Clinton’s fingerprints on it. Her accomplishments extend to health care, as well. As First Lady, she helped create and guide through Congress Children’s Health Insurance Program, a key program that brought health care coverage to millions of children. As a Senator, she worked across the aisle to provide full military health benefits to reservists and National Guard members. Secretary Clinton was also an outspoken champion for women around the world. She set records for travel while leading the State Department and used every trip to empower the women of the 112 countries she visited. She made gender equality a priority of U.S. foreign policy. And she created the ambassador at large for global women’s issues, a post charged with integrating gender throughout the State Department. *** ‘The SCHIP program … which expanded health coverage to millions of lower-income children’ Read more: [Hidden Content]
  3. What weapons of mass destruction were found? We already knew he had chemical weapons. Weren't we looking for nukes?
  4. What does Donald Trump feel about any issue? He always dodges the question and resorts to attacking people who dare to challenge him. How does he plan to make America great "again"?
  5. Once we stop giving take breaks to the super wealthy and companies like Boeing who are making record setting profits, and we stop giving oil subsidies to oil companies she can make it happen. I hope college becomes free. My son receives 17000 per semester to attend Baylor, it costs 27000 a semester. That would be such a blessing. Go Hiliary!!!
  6. Donald Trump is not going to beat Clinton. Eight years ago some of you guys thought McCain would defeat Obama. Four years ago, some of you guys were so sure that Romney would defeat Obama, so if you think Trump is going to win, I feel pretty good about Hiliary's chances. You guys don't know what you are talking about.
  7. The Vietnam War stated in 1950. Eisenhower was the President. Wasn't he a Republican? Beginning in 1950, American military advisorsarrived in what was then French Indochina.[49][A 3] U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960s, with troop levels tripling in 1961.
  8. Donald Trump is not going to beat Clinton. Eight years ago some of you guys thought McCain would defeat Obama. Four years ago, some of you guys were so sure that Romney would defeat Obama, so if you think Trump is going to win, I feel pretty good about Hiliary's chances. You guys don't know what you are talking about.
  9. I do. I can show you a poll which states that she has a massive lead. It came out yesterday. Trump doesn't have a chance. How does he plan on making America great again?
  10. Who is Trump's target voter base? He has alientated Muslims, Jews, Hispanics, women, blacks and the disabled. Who does he think is going to vote for him?
  11. Donald Trump is not going to beat Clinton. Eight years ago some of you guys thought McCain would defeat Obama. Four years ago, some of you guys were so sure that Romney would defeat Obama, so if you think Trump is going to win, I feel pretty good about Hiliary's chances. You guys don't know what you are talking about.
  12. Whatever, you can't say that about every muslims
  13. Yes, they were tragedies, but Muslims are not the only ones commuting terroristic acts
  14. Are you saying that their are not any white gangs? Did you forget about the skin heads and the kkk?
  15. I think you guys need to worry about the problems in your community; instead of, attacking Muslims. Why do white youth murder their class mates by shooting at everyone at their school?White do white men shoot innocent people in theaters? 2 of the most infamous shootings were done my a white person. (Abraham Lincoln and the Joker dude. )Why are 98% of serial killers white males?. You guys need to have a discussion as it pertains to the aforementioned problems. They need to be addressed
  16. According to Time Magazine, white people commit more terrorist acts. They might have meant domestically. I will read the article again. If Muslims out number white people by millions it is said that white males commit more terrorist attacks. I shouldn't be suprised. Look at the KKK. They terrorized blacks for years.
  17. 93 %of blacks kill other blacks. 87 % of whites kill other whites it is a known fact that people kill within their demographic population
  18. Nash, they are counting terrorist attacks that occurred after 9/11 2001 to 2016
  19. 7 of the top 10 terrorists of all time Newone.com>nation Stack took Tea Party anger at taxes to a new level when he flew a plane into the Austin, Tx., IRS building killing himself. He left behind a manifesto attacking the IRS, taxes, and government bailouts. 6. Jared Loughner Loughner killed six people when he tried to assassinate Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords earlier this year. He is a conspiracy theorist who believed in a New World Order plot to brainwash people. He is also a fan of conspiracy movies by far right talk show host, Alex Jones. Loughner is currently on trial. 5. Daniel Cowart Cowart was one of two white supremacists who plotted to kill 88 African Americans at a Black school and then kill President Obama in 2008. Like Poplawski he was a member of the white supremacist site, Stormfront. Cowart plead guilty and was sentenced to life in prison for the plot. 4. Byron Williams Last summer, a California man named Byron Williams traveled to San Francisco with explosives, guns and ammunition to try and kill progressives. The progressives he intended to kill were members of the Tides Foundation and the ACLU, two groups his favorite TV personality, Glenn Beck, would routinely attack on television. Before he could carry out his attack, he was pulled over by police and engaged them in a shoot out. Now, Byron Williams is speaking to the media from behind bars and it’s clear that Glenn Beck directly inspired his actions. Williams is currently in jail waiting trial. 3. Ted Kaczynski Kaczynski managed to elude the FBI for over twenty years while he sent bombs through the mail to individuals involved in airlines and universities earning the name the Unabomber. He would write to the New York Times and other papers saying he would stop bombing if they published his anti-technology manifesto. Kacynski is currently serving life in prison. 2. Anders Behring Breivik Breivik killed 93 people in a bombing and shooting spree in Norway, including dozens of teenagers. He is anti-Muslim and believes that rap music is causing the downfall of Norway. He is now in jail awaiting trial and could receive a sentence as short as 21 years due to Norwegian laws. 1. Timothy McVeigh McVeigh believed in a New World Order conspiracy that has returned in recent years. He was an extremely right wing and pro-gun white supremacist. McVeigh would up killing 173 people when he blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. He was convicted of 11 federal offenses and sentenced to death. His execution took place on June 11, 2001 at the Federal Correctional Complex in Terre Haute, Indiana. TERRORISM ,
  20. Nash, you can't accept the truth.
  21. Do some research. Time magazine is a reputable site isn't it? Google white male terrorists and see how many sites pop up.
  22. Newsone.com >nation Top 10 terrorists of all time.
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