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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. There is a subdivision in that is called "Plantation Oaks" . Every single street is named after someone from the Confederate army. Robert E Lee street etc. My WHITE friend said he can't believe that black people would want to live there. He does live in the neighborhood.
  2. So in Texas, one can't be charged with accessory to murder? One would be charged with murder? I.e. If a woman pays someone to kill her uncle.
  3. Yeah, right. It has death panels, they are going to put computer chips into everyone who enrolled. NOT. Thank you Jesus
  4. Wow, how did you manage to survive? I think I would've asked for a desk job after that
  5. Did they actually stop at Burger King or did an officer go there to pick it up foe him.
  6. I don't have a problem with what she did. I read that she has done a lot of good for black communities.
  7. It looked like he was.om some type of drug or maybe he has adhd and forgot to take his meds
  8. Don't you find it odd that the black kids were the only ones being terrorized. We're all of the white kids obeying the cops?
  9. It looked like he was.om some type of drug or maybe he has adhd and forgot to take his meds
  10. Most definitely. I am glad that the other cops on the scene were more calm
  11. I disagree. That was a beautiful tuck and roll. Watch the video. Classic
  12. You don't think he used excessive force? I don't think that is resisting arrest , because he wasn't trying to arrest her.
  13. I agree That tuck and roll was completely unnecessary. He should be drug tested. He was running around like he was "amped " up. He did use excessive force. I thought other officers were on the scene as well.
  14. sorry, some of you guys are quick to call others thugs
  15. that change is not punishable by death.
  16. White people kill white people, you admitted that. What is being done in your community to stop the violence.
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