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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Sadly, I will never know how my life would've been in Africa,but my poor ancestors would've been better, especially Uncle Bubba and Lawrence who were lynched in 1965 ,or my ancestors who were forced to become slaves. The beatings, torture, selling of kids probably wouldn't have happened in Africa.
  2. I agree wholeheartedly. Why don't we hear news segments that say a white or black Christian kid killed someone?
  3. So, you are saying we are better off than we would be if we still lived in Africa? That is a big continent, how can you be so sure?
  4. Good, because a lot of people on this site do. Some people feel that ALL Muslims are bad?
  5. A certain segment, extremist right? So, if 3 white boys raped a girl it should be discussed on this site because there are a certain segment of THEM( The kkk, The Aryan Brotherhood, Christian extremists like Timothy Mcveigh) that want to hurt us. That also applies to blacks, because of the New black panther party (they want to hurt white people) etc.
  6. So, you're saying we are better off here than we would've been in Africa?
  7. Some of you guys focus mostly on crimes committed by Muslims. If the article was about 3 white guys raping a 5 year old mentally challenged female, would the link have been posted? Would the topic be worthy of discussion?
  8. Can you read? I posted excerpts of the article. That was the title of the article. Duh!!!!. The article clearly explains that Trump's campaign funding is low. I didn't lie. I asked a question.and posted a link and an I agree. It is a very dumb comment, but Trump said something very similiar. I was mocking him
  9. LOL. I agree. How many white,black,Asian and Hispanic people rape women? Why are the conservative blogs focusing on Muslims as if they are the only group that commits rape.
  10. White men commit more terroristic acts domestically. You guys can't accept the truth. Geez!!!
  11. I don't know either, and that's sad. My ancestors didn't have a choice. They were forced to allow someone to determine their future. Steve Nash, I hope you are not insinuating that some of the white men involved did us a favor.
  12. According to Newsweek and the NY times, white men commit more terrorist acts. Google who commits the most terrorist attacks. A plethora of articles exist. NewYorkTimes>2015/06/25>tall Time Magazine>rightwing-extremists Washington Times News>jun>majori
  13. According to Newsweek and the NY times, white men commit more terrorist acts NewYorkTimes>2015/06/25>tall Time Magazine>rightwing-extremists
  14. I have heard him say this.
  15. Why did you say you were guessing a few days ago
  16. CNN? I don't trust CNN, Fox or MSNBC
  17. No, except that he is going to build a wall, a very big wall, because he is smart and knows how to build big walls, and he will make the Mexican government pay for the wall, because he is smart and knows how to build walls. He also wants all Muslims to register with the federal government; even though, white men in the U.S. commit more terroristic acts.
  18. You had to guess a couple of days ago. Where are your sources? Can you post a legitimate article?
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