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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. It is funny that people are so troubled by my comments about Zimmerman. Some of you guys were saying that Trayvon, the "thug", got what was coming to him, he deserved to die etc during the trial.
  2. I thought he said that Zimmerman threatened to kill him.
  3. what would you do if a creepy fella was following you at night? At 17, he was a child.
  4. You reap what you sow. He needs to remember that. He said " it was God's will that he kill Treyvon"
  5. I want karma. I am pretty hateful when it comes to child killers
  6. yet, you think that it is OK for policemen to allow ones spine to be severed
  7. no, I want him to be shot and I want him to be a quadriplegic.
  8. thank you. The fact that you keep defending that thug tells me a lot about your character. Things will only get worse for him. (Feeling warm and fuzzy)
  9. The day I found out about the shooting was one of the best days of my life. I still get that warm and fuzzy feeling whenever I think about it.
  10. You have extremists in all religions. Look at the Westboro church
  11. Kelly is not known for her honesty. I need more information.
  12. Do you know my views or are you making assumptions again? I have never said it was okay for someone to be murdered. I dont care what race they are.
  13. I agree with your statement about the grand jury. I think she should be removed from the case. She seems hostile and bitter. It has something to do with her deceased brother.
  14. i see your point. How many do you think are guilty and why wasnt he taken to the hospital sooner? I read that he was asking for medical attention. Didnt some of the officers fail to render aid if they were in the vehicle and didnt help? FYI my son does not live in Jefferson county. Thank goodness
  15. the problem is that you made an assumption .
  16. Hanged is the proper word to use.
  17. are you joking. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide. His injuries were not self inflicted. I think involuntary manslaughter would be a good charge.
  18. i have never said that only white people do bad things if that is what you are trying to say. I am not stupid. A person.has to be very ignorant to believe that one race of people are worse than another. Some of you guys might feel that way. I dont.
  19. what witch hunt? They severed the guys spine and larynx according to the medicsl examiner. How is that a rush to judgment?
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