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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. DON"T RUN IDOIT[/quote] Really???? That is not what i read. He did run and he was arrested for having a switch blade,but i didnt read anything about him commiting a crime. What was he caught doing?
  2. [quot.name="5gallonbucket" post="1663335" timestamp="1430245552"] all I have to say go be a police officer before you speak on the difficulty and stress they go thru. I have several loved ones that are and I hear the stories. And im not talking about a small town cop.....NEW ORLEANS to be exact. Im not saying what happened is right. the court room will decide that. DON"T RUN IDOIT[/quote]
  3. for real tho. People are blaming the victim. Smh
  4. looting is not a capital offense and is not punishable by death.
  5. Or run and die??????? Even through you are unarmed? My goodness, that is horrible. Some police officers are just lazy. "I dont feel like chasing him so i will shoot him instead"
  6. He ran and if he would have been chased and apprehended his sentence would not have been death.
  7. especially if you are black. I didnt know that running away from a cop is a capital offense.
  8. What he is saying is so true
  9. Ronald Reagan issued 381 executive orders, 13 regarding immigration. President Obama has issued 199. So what were you guys saying?.obamacare is NOT an insurance plan.
  10. nope. President Obama believes in helping the poor.Reagan didnt. Look at that supply side economic mess. When will the wealth trickle down?
  11. Except when a Republican is in office. The blame is then shifted to Congress. Go figure?????
  12. so.......all the problems that you guys complain about now is not Obama's fault? It is the fault of the Congressmen? Doesnt the President have to sign bills when passed?
  13. you asked me a question about Reagan.
  14. yes, but his policies hurt the American people. He was an actor and was able to convince people that all was well when things were falling apart. The deficit quadrupled, he raised taxes 11 times, he decreased monies given to mental health facilities which somewhat caused our homeless problem, under his tenure the U.S. went from the primary lender to the primary borrower. What about the scandals? Iran-Contra, Savings and Loan crisis etc etc etc
  15. What do you guys think about his shooting and why was my last posting about this subject missing from this forum?
  16. let he without sin cast the first stone.
  17. i agree, but I can only stomach watching it for 10 min.
  18. I fully endorse Ted Cruz in the Republican primaries
  19. Look at my aforementioned comment
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