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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. He was born in Canada and his father is from Cuba
  2. Is Ted Cruz eligible to run for President
  3. they were wrong to try to undermine the president.
  4. I dont get on the site everyday, I cant stomach it. Again, the GOP senators looked like idiots. They should be embarrassed. Imagine how much worse it wouldve been if the President said nay and the senators told Niketa to ignore him
  5. I dont hate anyone unlike some of you guys.
  6. I think he is nuts. My family has Spanish origins ; therefore, I am a Hispanic. His race has nothing to do with it. Politicheck stated that only one thing that he has said politic wise is true.
  7. I talked about some cops and their actions. I am not stupid enough to say what they are thinking etc
  8. roflmbo, if you are white.maybe. Remember this episode of the "Fresh Prince of Bellaire". Uncle Phil let Will borrow his Mercedes. He and Carlton were riding around and a cop stopped them and eventually arrested them, because he assumed that they had stolen the car since they were black. That episode is one I will never forget. That is our reality.
  9. it is a black thing, he doesn't understand.
  10. look at my posts again
  11. You guys can come up with every excuse in the book. Senators should not try to undermine the President as it pertains to other world leaders period. I am happy that didnt happen during the Cuban Missile crisis. President Obama said he was embarrassed for them.
  12. Didnt I correct myself? I guess you missed that post.
  13. Read United States vs Curtis Wright Export Corporation,299 US 304, It states that" only the President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He consults with the Senate, but he alone negotiates, the Senate cannot intrude." WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
  14. Nikita , i wont attempt to spell his last name, was in charge during the cuban missile crisis.
  15. Most doctors just take it out. I think it is his medial meniscus.
  16. only God knows the deeds of a man's heart. Someone once told me that I am not a Christian, because of the church I go to. I just walked off. I considered the person an idiot and I thought he was to stupid to argue with.
  17. smh, I cant believe people read this article and believe it. All I can say is wow. This is one of the most biased articles I have ever read and some of you guys wonder why I think you are racists.
  18. If you are not Black, how can you comment on our feelings about how some police officers treat us?
  19. there are several definitions. I quoted one of the definitions in Webster dictionary
  20. I am glad that senators didnt write a letter to Stalin telling him not to sign a deal in regards to the Cuban Missile crisis. "Dear Mr Stalin, continue to send missiles to Cuba. Please ignore President Kennedy" Thanks 47 senators name
  21. Treason also means to betray your country
  22. If only it were that simple
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