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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Two interesting articles "Hiliary Clinton emailgate sliced and diced" BBC news What Hiliary did was not illegal according to this article. "Hiliary Clinton's email scandal what about Colin Powell" Oregon live.com
  2. colin Powell too. He used his private email.
  3. How would you older guys have felt if this was done during the Cuban missile crises?
  4. McCain, Rand Paul roll out new excuses for sabotage letter 03/12/15 08:00 AM—UPDATED 03/12/15 08:17 AM 19 save share 249 By Steve Benen THIS IS AN INTERESTING READ
  5. George Wallace wasnt a racist. He pretended to be , to gain notoriety and votes. He said that when he merely discussed the issues, no one listened.
  6. Read United States vs Curtis Wright Export Corporation,299 US 304, It states that" only the President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He consults with the Senate, but he alone negotiates, the Senate cannot intrude." CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS.
  7. It is not ok for anyone to do it. I am glad Senators didnt do this during the Cuban missile crisis. Can you imagine? Why are some Senators apologizing if they didnt do anything wrong?
  8. Read United States vs Curtis Wright Export Corporation,299 US 304, It states that" only the President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He consults with the Senate, but he alone negotiates, the Senate cannot intrude."
  9. Look up Logan's Act. It is illegal.
  10. If you dont see anything wrong with those politicians did, you have a big problem. What they did is not acceptable
  11. stupid not courageous. John McCain said it wasnt a good idea in hindsight.
  12. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1648817" timestamp="1426187010"] Huh?[/quote you didnt hear about the letter the 47 republicans sent to the leader of Iran opposing President Obama's nuclear program. That was wrong. Treason definition: the act of betraying someone or something, the crime of betraying one's country.
  13. so.....do you think all black people think a like. That is a racist comment.
  14. Those 47 republicans should be punished. Smh
  15. Police officers cant go around arresting journalists that are not causing any trouble that is against their constitutional right of freedom of press, just like you cant arrest  people for peacefully protesting. Not everyone was looting. :rolleyes:
  16. God loves homosexuals, he doesn't like the act.
  17. omg, I cant believe he admitted that. Did you march with MLK?. Were you active in helping blacks get equal rights? Did you attend any rallies?
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