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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. He told the truth. I am a committed Christian and I agree what everything he said. The KKK is a Christian organization, Hitler was a Christian . Some white Christians say that blacks are the descendents of Canaan, thus they deserved to be slaves. Etc etc
  2. The ACA is not a health insurance. It is a list of mandates that private insurance companies have to follow. Blue cross/blue shield, Humana etc participate on the exchange. There are a lot of docs that dont accept.my insurance m health soooooo I.just find a doc that does. It is very simple.. mhealth is offered through my husband's employer
  3. I know Bud, that is what they say when the killer is white.roflmbo
  4. You guys are weird. You always twist his words around. Smh
  5. What will our deficit be?
  6. will someone tell me what the definition of a socialist is?
  7. What does a thug look like since you guys are quick to call a person one
  8. we have one of the highest poverty rates, inferior schools when compared to other states, the most uninsured residents. We have one of the higest minimum wage jobs in the country. Wow, things couldnt be any better.
  9. wow, what is sad is that you really believe what you are saying. Smh
  10. who would try to decapitate me? I have a neighbor that lives a half of a block from me. He never mentioned cutting my head off.
  11. good I am glad I did offend you. Wth does your rant have to do with Muslims.
  12. nope, what does a gagsta or thug look like.
  13. Trust me. No one would be chasing my son.. My son is not a "gagsta" nor a "thug". Whatever that means.. I would hope they would try to disable the guys first.
  14. She is better than Sarah Palin. I will never forget the time that Palin had written her talking points on her hands. ROFLMO.  I would rather use a teleprompter.
  15. I want someone to name at least one Republican that is sane. :)
  16. What religion was America founded on? People have what is called freedom of religion. Those people are more stupid then I thought.( Protestors). We cannot force others to be Christians, Jesus never did. You guys are sure not acting like Christians judging by some of your posts. Jesus would be proud. ;) ;) (sarcasm)
  17. Are you serious?  There are more white people on welfare than blacks, because whites outnumber African-Americans. What you are saying does not make any sense what so ever. :blink:
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