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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. some of these cops are scary punks. "He has a gun go for the kill shot instead of disabling him" oops, he was not armed, my bad.
  2. I must have quoted the wrong person ✊
  3. No one answered by question. How is Obama a socialist based on the definition of socialism.
  4. Big girl


    who cares, I am talking about way he embarrassed the GOP. That was funny as hell. I found my self pumping my hands in the air
  5. My son was in an elevator and a white lady held on tightly to her purse, despite me being in the elevator with him. I was thinking trick please he has everything that he wants and needs. He doesnt need to steal your dang on purse.It was very funny.
  6. Like the actions that led Zimmerman to ASSUME that Trayvon was up to no good. I wont let my older son go to the corner store at night.
  7. my best friend's husband, as well as, my neighbor are cops and said they have been trained to disable the perpetrator.
  8. how so, a socialist is someone who wants the government to control all means of production. Look up the definition.
  9. yes, if you shoot and kill someone based on those assumptions or assume that the person is going to do something bad.
  10. maybe, but you should not shoot someone, based on your preconceived notions.
  11. everybody is a supect according to you guys. Was he black, white, hispanic or Asian
  12. so he should be shot and killed even though he didnt do anything, just because someone thinks he looks suspicious?What does a gangsta look like?
  13. not all of the time when you are black. Tvc, you are a cop. What happened to freeze put the gun down or disabling the victim by shooting them in the leg, arm etc.
  14. Are you guys serious? The republican policies are causing the demise of the middle class. Smh
  15. Big girl


    " I am done with campaining msp(The republicans clap). Obama: "I know because I won both of them" . Straight gagsta. Bam
  16. the cops have never been called to my house.
  17. If that happened with President Obama, you guys would be all over him
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