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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. BUSH administration guilty of war crimes
  2. All black kids are according to some on this forum.
  3. Try looking at the video before making a decision.
  4. He did not resist arrest. Do you guys know that the entire incident was filmed, by someone using their cell phone, from start to finish. That is why people are so upset.
  5. That's sad. We shouldnt have chosen Brown, because of the plethora of other black males that were gunned down by cops. We have so many others that we couldve chosen.
  6. Medicaid is a state program and you guys complain about it.
  7. You guys are paranoid. You guys have one conspiracy theory after another one. Smh
  8. Individuals are helping by paying taxes to government. Without we the people the government couldnt, so it is up to individuals that are able to pay taxes, to help the poor. Is that what you mean? Since Jesus was an individual.
  9. Obama is not giving blanket amnesty. Stop watching fox news.
  10. The players are on the court. It wouldn't be a bad thing to listen to what they think.
  11. So......it wasn't illegal when both Bush's did it or when Reagan did it, but it now illegal since Obama is doing it?
  12. I am really indifferent. I dont care either way. I really love to see the GOP not getting its way though. They challenge everything President Obama does. They are now reaping what they have sown.
  13. I am raising him to have compassion for the needy. He ( and his baby brother) will work in a soup kitchen on Christmas.
  14. I agree. The future looks dim for the GOP.
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