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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Good for you. My husband and I are not in that category.
  2. so you think I am an idiot, because I dont think there way you do. I am educated and so is my husband, but we are not stupid enough to think we pulled ourselves up by our own bootstraps. My husband received grants and loans. My education at TAMU was free. I had to get school loans to obtain my second degree.
  3. I never said Jesus was a socialist. I asked a question. Do you all consider him a socialist, because he fed the multitude or should he have let them fend for themselves.
  4. Welfare reform happened when Bill Clinton was president. You can only stay on it for 5 yrs. Google TANF.
  5. She has the "pull yourself up my your bootstrap"mentality.which is a falicy . I wonder if she ever received a pell grant or school loans which is considered government assistance.
  6. So the government helping the poor is praiseworthy? Hmm.
  7. why is Solomon praying for those attributes? Is it because those qualities please GOD? What about the other scripture?
  8. And I dont live in the projects dear. I have never heard of a 183, 000 house being in the projects. I live in Houston :)
  9. roflmbo. I am a RN. I probably make money than you do.
  10. You sound really ignorant. You should stop before you make yourself look even worse. You cant say everyone's premiums went up period. I dont have a reason to lie about my beautiful home. If you dont believe me, it doesnt change the fact that I have a 5 bedroom house. :)
  11. It is not going to happen this time around. The bill was struck down. Lol
  12. So.......you guys want to gut programs that help the poor?
  13. Jeremiah, speaking of King Josiah, said, "He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well."  Psalm 72 begins with a prayer for kings or political leaders: "Give the king your justice, O God, and your righteousness to a king's son. May he judge your people with righteousness, and your poor with justice. May the mountains yield prosperity for the people, and the hills, in righteousness. May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the needy, and crush the oppressor." 
  14. My house cost 183,000. 5 BEDROOMS, 4 BATHS.
  15. I am employed ; as well as, my husband as a Registered Nurse. You dont pay anything for me. :)
  16. It says no one was deliberately misled. This is from your precious Republicans
  17. roflmbo you sound absolutely ridiculous.
  18. I dont think he mentioned education
  19. hardin-jefferson. I also graduated from A&M. I didnt flunk out so I cant be dumb. Jesus said to help the poor and widows etc :)
  20. What about the elderly, disabled, sick who cant work. Should they starve, because they are unable to work?
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