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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. I asked if you guys thought he was a socialist since he fed the multitude.
  2. Oh and you sound like a lunatic. Obama is trying to take over the world. SMH. :)
  3. I graduated with a 4.08 on a 4.0 scale. I finished in the top 10 percent of my class which guaranteed that I would be admitted to any university in Texas. Your accusations are absurd. Geez, why are you so angry?
  4. What about people who work and they still are poor. Should we help them?
  5. Yet another setback for Benghazi conspiracy theorists Www.msnbc.com/another/setback By Steve Benen The House Intelligence Committee is among the many congressional panels to investigate the deadly attack on the U.S. outpost in Benghazi in 2012, and its findings are reportedly complete. The committee’s report is not yet available, but Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) talked to the San Francisco Chronicle about the results of the inquiry. The House Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, said Rep. Mike Thompson of St. Helena, the second-ranking Democrat on the committee. […] Thompson said the report “confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given.”
  6. Wow, you guys are grasping at straws.
  7. One of the disciples was a tax collector. Did you guys know that?
  8. so I am guessing you are not a pastor. Give god what is his and give Ceaser what is his. (Taxes). Do you remember that scripture?
  9. that is a stupid comment. Is that all you could think of to say?
  10. why did the republicans say there was not any wrongdoing?
  11. Twice special forces have been sent without any casualties. To capture laden and now this. Go obama!!!!
  12. I spend 45 dollars to see a specialist and 25 to see my pcp. 0 deductble for doctor visits. 500 for hospital stays.
  13. special forces.republicans cleared the obama administration, said there was not any wrongdoing. How soon you guys forget. Smh
  14. liar, liar pants on fire.
  15. Socialism or too much compassion?
  16. Jesus fed the multitude. Do you guys consider that socialism? I don't mind paying more taxes.
  17. Have you guys read the new enrollment data?. It is great."obamacare" cant be as bad as you guys say it is.you guys dont know anything about it. So sad. Smh
  18. So.....the aforementioned article is lying and all of your info is correct?
  19. Big girl


    for nothing.....it is a lot.
  20. Big girl


    Washing ones hands is a precaution and it is not extreme., but if one washes his hands 500 times a day, then it is likely that they have OCD, which is an anxiety disorder. (Panic, maybe). Lol.
  21. Big girl


    Washing ones hands is a precaution and it is not extreme.
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