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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Big girl


    I dont get on this blog everyday. Trying to prohibit a n entire portion of a continent from flying into the US Is a bit extreme.You call it precaution, I call it panic. The airlines wouldve lost a lot of money for nothing. Smh
  2. What are you guys saying? Your insurance premiums never rose before "obamacare".?
  3. I said you cannot shop on the exchange. You said a person could. You are the person who bought it up. You apply for medicare and medicaid at the social security administration. You lose. Lol
  4. you said a person could shop on the exchange and get medicare/Medicaid dual coverage. WRONG
  5. You dont know what you are talking about period and I think you know you are wrong. I worked at molina for 2 yrs and united medicaid for 3 5 yrs. I know more than you do
  6. This is totally different from the commercial plan.
  7. roflmbo. To qualify for medicaid you have to be poor or have a spevial waiver or you have to have a disability.Old people and those who are disabled qualify for medicare, being dual eligible means you get both. Medicare pays 80 % and medicaid pays 20%. If medicare doesnt cover something then medicaid will.
  8. your premium would be lower then theirs. They made more money and it was a family, not just an individual.
  9. I worked for molina and it does also have a medicare and medicaid plan, but it is not on the exchange. (There is not a medicare or medicaid plan on the exchange just private insurance companies). Wow, you guys hate something and you dont even know the basics. Smh
  10. why dont you do some research before responding. Molina has a COMMERCIAL plan on the exchange. My friend and his wife didnt qualify for subsidies. Why don you try shopping on the exchange. You can just put in an income and it will tell you what you can expect to pay a month.
  11. President Obama Nabs Another Terrorist As US Forces Capture Benghazi Ringleader. Www.politicius.com
  12. Big girl


    I didnt say bush, I said Romney. Where did a member of his staff get that info? Was he/she fired? There is no one in the US that has the Ebola virus now. You guys panicked for nothing, and to think you guys didnt want anyone from west africa here. Smh
  13. She can shop on the exchange if her monthly premiums ate more than 10 percent of her monthly income. That happened to a friend of mine and he was able to get a silver plan through Molina for 600/ mo for his family.
  14. Tell that to the people who didnt get paid for two weeks. What about the millions of dollars that was wasted?
  15. Whose telling the truth?
  16. Obamacare premiums falling in 48 major cities Nov 12, 2014 10:04am PST by Joan McCarter Comment_large60 48 The next open enrollment period for health insurance under Obamacare opens this Saturday, November 15, and shoppers will be largely greeted by good news—lower premiums. Yes, once again a Republican myth about Obamacare—premiums will skyrocket!!!—is busted. Kaiser Family Foundation has expanded its premium review for 2015 to include 48 urban areas, and has found an average 0.2 percent decrease in benchmark silver plans.
  17. Obamacare premiums falling in 48 major cities Nov 12, 2014 10:04am PST by Joan McCarter Comment_large60 48 The next open enrollment period for health insurance under Obamacare opens this Saturday, November 15, and shoppers will be largely greeted by good news—lower premiums. Yes, once again a Republican myth about Obamacare—premiums will skyrocket!!!—is busted. Kaiser Family Foundation has expanded its premium review for 2015 to include 48 urban areas, and has found an average 0.2 percent decrease in benchmark silver plans.
  18. Republicans were hoping that some great Obamacare news would slip out on a Friday afternoon and go completely unnoticed by the media.   They thought wrong.   This afternoon the non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation released a report projecting premium increases for the 2015 year under the Affordable Care Act.  After years of double-digit increases, next year’s premiums will not only drop into single digits, but there will be an average decrease of premiums by roughly 0.8 percent.   An excerpt from an article entitled: Myth busted:republicans wrong again as premiums set to decrease in 2015
  19. . If her montly insurance premium is more than 10 percent of her monthly income then she can shop on the exchange. Her premium would be much less. That is how I know you guys dont know how the exchange works.
  20. [quote name="Big girl" post="1583128" timestamp="1415802341"] You have to work in order to shop on the exchange. Howare they muchers/quote]
  21. but it happens and the kids should not be punished
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