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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. thr bills were ridiculous. Massive cuts to medicare and medicaid etc
  2. They sure are, but evil never prevails.
  3. oh well!!!!. Now the party of no wants to negotiate.
  4. His golf swing will get better, but I am concerned that he might get carpal tunnel syndrome from continuously using that veto apparatus.
  5. The party of no is reaping what they have sown. Lmbo. Let the games begin
  6. poor thing. You have it backwards. VETO. He doesnt care, he has nothing to lose :)
  7. So......good luck. Ted Cruz is on the prowl
  8. yeah, yeah, yeah. Who cares. EXECUTIVE ORDERS! !!!!!!!
  9. The republicans didnt compromise. They shut the government down. VETO. I love it
  10. Just watch.....I have my popcorn ready. Roflmbo. :)
  11. On what grounds? Wouldn't 2/3 of the Senate have to agree to impeach him.
  12. If they are not willing to compromise then veto, veto, veto.
  13. Naw, the Ted Cruz situation will be more amusing. I have my popcorn ready.
  14. He used executive orders more than anyone in history and is still considered one of the best presidents ever.
  15. so what. Read about FDR. His legacy is not tarnished. :)
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