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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. The republicans should be the bigger people. They should show him how to compromise.
  2. The republicans are not going to get anything accomplished unless they learn to compromise. :)
  3. I hope the republicans are ready to compromise, if not they are not going to get any of their bills passed. It is going to be very entertaining watching Ted Cruz undermine everything that Mitch McConnell tries to accomplish.
  4. Veto, veto, veto. He might develop carpal tunnel syndrome....
  5. and he will. What does he have to lose. He is not running for reelection. Veto, veto, veto. LMAO
  6. Why are you guys so excited? The President Is going to use his veto power and he will use executive orders to get what he wants. The republicans will see how it feels to have everything blocked. President Obana is going out in a blaze of glory. Fyi: hiliary is projected to win the presidency. Let the games begin. I love it.
  7. Craig, no one likes you. People on the big red insider forum even despise you.
  8. People are more complex then that. Smh
  9. In every situation? You sound really stupid
  10. I dont care what happens, because I know that GOD is with me no matter what. You repubs seem too cocky too early. I hope for your sakes that this is not a Obama/Romney repeat.
  11. you are delusional. The republicans dont want to compromise.
  12. [quote name="LumRaiderFan" post="1576670" timestamp="1415112583"] Do we really want these folks voting? [Hidden Content] any person who thinks that FOX is a valid news station should not be voting.
  13. Or.....do you think all black people think a like?
  14. I am not offended, because they have a right to their opinion. How would I know why some blacks get offended, you need to ask them.Your question was stupid as hell, ask a more intelligent question and I might answer it. Asking me why someone else feels a certain way is dumb, you should ask them.
  15. what the hell are you talking about? My son nor I have not experienced "unintelligent" black people trying to hold him back. That is not a generalization.
  16. those guys dont speak for all blacks. Period. Lol
  17. What about the dude in St louise who was shot in the back of the head. Did he attack the officers? Hell, sometimes some black cops can be worse then some white cops.
  18. I described my son. Your next comment was about a gentle giant and looking at video footage of a kid robbing a store as if that was what i had to look forward to. What the hell was I supposed to think? I dont think you used quotation marks. Why would you even bring that up, we were talking about Barkley's comments. I merely said that my "intelligent" son has not had "unintelligent" blacks hold him back.
  19. Blacks: Obama is abusing us. Really, because that is not how I feel nor my friends. Those guy have a right to their opinions, but they don't speak for all blacks. Why do you guys get so excited when you hear a black person say thinks like that? White people talked bad about Bush, did you all make a big deal about that?
  20. He didn't say SOME "unintelligent" blacks or blacks that I knew.. He made a blanket statement.
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