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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Big girl


    etch-a-sketch comment by someone on his staff says it all.
  2. Big girl


    Being exposed to someone with the virus is considered high risk
  3. Big girl


    how did you feel about Romney who changed his stance every 30 minutes?
  4. Big girl


    People who are not high risk should not be quarantined (those who have not had contact with an Ebola patient) just because they are coming from West Africa. That is stupid.
  5. Big girl


    Patient's that are not high risk are welcome at my house. Obama tries too hard to reason with a bunch of idiots like members of the GOP and the tea party. I would've said to hell to them all.
  6. He said "dont claim my son to be a gentle giant"......Hell, he is. He is a 6'4 gentle giant just like his dad who is 42 and has never robbed a store.
  7. How do you know that your son won't rob a store?
  8. are you saying that all black youth are barbarians? I will put my life on this. My son will NEVER rob a store. You just proved that a lot of white people have preconceived notions in regards to black males, so sad. Smh
  9. Big girl


    He trys to find a common ground with the GOP, no matter how stupid their requests are.
  10. Big girl


    I do wish he wouldn't give in to pressure. That is one thing I dont like about him. If I said that I was not restricting flights from West Africa, that is the way it would be. I wouldn't give a darn if people got mad.
  11. Big girl


    He trusts his doctors. The states are actually responsible for implementing their guidelines. The guideline in New Jersey where the lady who is sueing was quarantined is different in other states. New Jersey (or New York, I cant remember which state) just recently changed their guidelines, because they were over the top. What exactly are you blaming the President for?
  12. Roflmao, he is super intelligent. He has never experienced an "unintelligent" black trying to hold him back. He has experienced white people telling him that he really smart and articulate " for a black guy". They appear to be astonished by the fact that he is smart. Why would some white people say that to him? They dont think black people are intelligent? He has a 4.9 GPA on a 4.0 scale. He is an AP schlor, the band president, and the national honor society's vice president. He took algebra 1 and English 1 in the 7th grade. #genius
  13. [quote name="thetragichippy" post="1571365" timestamp="1414590143"] They would have tt
  14. my dad and mom remember those days clearly.
  15. I am not nationally known so if a racial incident happens I.e. My 17 year old son being gunned down by racist police officers without provocation ( not all are racist) then I will call All Sharpton. You guys think I should sit back and not say anything. Those days are long gone.
  16. Big girl


    They work for him, but I am 100 percent sure that he didnt come up with the guidelines. This nurse was not high risk, that is why she is so ticked off.
  17. Big girl


    The President didnt make the guidelines, he just defended them. He is not a doctor. You guys blame him for everything.
  18. I bet some of you guys miss the days when a white person could kill a black guy in front of 28 black people and no one said anything, because they were afraid. Oh how sad it is that black people have civil rights activists that will stand up for our rights, " race baiters" as some of you call them.
  19. smh. Your ignorance is astonishing.
  20. no, they couldn't afford it. Do you know that "obamacare" is not a single payor system? Only private insurance companies are on the exchange. Obamacare is not an insurance plan I am going to scream if I hear someone say that again.
  21. So you are so speaking for every white person?
  22. Big girl


    He isn't the head of the CDC.
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