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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Big girl


    They are trying to pacify people who are in panic mode. If you test negative you dont have it.
  2. My cousin has insurance through the ACA; as well as, my aunt and they love it. My cousin was able to get a much needed surgery. She had a mass in her abdomen the size of a basketball. She looked pregnant.
  3. Big girl


    She was not quarantined at her home. That is why she is upset.
  4. Big girl


    I am a Registered Nurse and I would be ticked off.
  5. Big girl


    Why was she quarantined if she tested negative for the virus and did not show any signs and symptoms? .People in other states are allowed to monitor themselves at home. They are required to take their temperature every 2 hours.
  6. what about white on white crime, 86% of white people are killed by white people according to the justice department. What is the white community doing about that?
  7. Barkley made a blanket statement. Isn he saying that ALL"unintelligent" people try to hold back "intelligent" black people? That is completely illogical. I have not experienced it, neither has by son who visited Rice, Yale, Baylor, UT and TAMU, upon their request.Harvard, Brown, Cornell, and Princeton are offering him academic schlorships as well. He gets letters every day from colleges. There are at least 100 colleges recruiting him due to his academic prowess. . What irritates him the most is when people of other races tell him "you are smart and articulate for a black guy" as if they are stunned.
  8. I am glad that she caught it early. My friend had stage 4 breast cancer when she was diagnosed and it had already metastasized to her lungs.
  9. Big girl


    One of the nurses that was infected with the Ebola virus no longer has it. A blood test proved that.
  10. Big girl


    you do know that Africa is a continent? There are countries that have not been affected.
  11. Big girl


    The layover is in some country in Europe. I dont think that is a direct flight.
  12. Big girl


    I was told thatv thete are not any direct flights from West Africa to the US.
  13. Big girl


    They had contact with his bodily fluids. That is why they have the virus
  14. Big girl


    The probability of someone having sex or swamping body fluids with a symptomatic Ebola patient is not likely.
  15. Big girl


    People who are HIV positive dont show symptoms for years and they look perfectly normal. People with the Ebola virus show symptoms within three weeks and they look deathly ill. That is the difference.
  16. Big girl


    Well it has been 21 days since people have had contact with the Ebola virus patient that died. Two nurses were infected. The guys fiance tested negative. I guess that this will not be a pandemic in the U.S. like some of you predicted. Smh
  17. Big girl


    Republican propaganda at its best. Smh. These people are hopeless.
  18. Or what you guys believe since y'all think you know everything and feel that everything is his fault. Some of you self proclaimed political geniuses can help him out. :)
  19. Big girl


    I am not arguing. I am merely stating a fact. They are making a big deal about it. The doctor said that the nurse was asymptomatic when she boadered the plane,:but she did have a fever. I was merely explaining why he would say that. Technically, a fever is not a symptom. Some people use the terms interchangeably, apparently this person doesnt.
  20. Sorry, I do not consider mustard gas a weapon of mass detruction.
  21. Big girl


    A sign is objective, it can be measured. I.e temperature. A symptom is subjective, it is how a patient reports that he/she is feeling I.e dizzy, nauseated etc.
  22. Big girl


    Look up the definition s if you dont believe me. The definitions of a sign and a symptom are different.
  23. Big girl


    A fever is a sign not a symptom.
  24. Seriously, when it was announced that Iraq had weapons of mass detruction, did you guys immediately think of mustard gas or other chemical weapons? I didnt. I thought of nuclear weapons.
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