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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. how would you feel if one of your relatives had to go to Iraq, would you be singing a different tune?
  2. other countries didnt take military action against the kkk, did they?
  3. sooo...you want to send others there to possibly die? I get it now.
  4. Look at Fed Ex. They are always messing up and they are a private company.
  5. you can always volunteer your services. Why dont you enlist and volunteer to go to Iraq?
  6. I cant say the same for some of your Republican friends. :). I apologize if you are not one of them.
  7. Smitty told me that the Daily Kos was not a reputable source.
  8. Dont you guys invoke God into political arguments? Isn't that why you are against abortions and same sex marriages; as well as, Planned Parenthood? I guess what you are saying is what is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander. Smh
  9. Great idea, so you should be the first one to enlist and volunteer to go to Iraq.
  10. omg, you guys were once complaining, stating that he didnt give enough info in regards to what is plans are. You are now saying the opposite. Smdh
  11. I think Texas A@M has a medical school. They did at one time
  12. ...but GOD, laugh if you must.
  13. I doubt it. I know that the Bible says that"whatever trap you lay for someone, you, yourself will become ensnared in it". The GOP are notorious for setting traps.
  14. they only call it trolling when they dont have a legitimate answer to a question or when they try to change a narrative of a political situation, and intelligent people dont believe it.
  15. They want him him to outline everything he is going to do on National t.v. (maybe terrorists dont have tv's) which would be idiotic
  16. Who is stupid enough to be afraid of ISIS?
  17. Everyone thinks they know more then the military strategists.smh. Bush set the timetable on when the troops left Iraq not Obama. We can go back to Iraq and get the situation under control, but once we leave the same problems will occur. I agree with ECO, we cant leave troops there forever.
  18. They were terrorists. I can see someone saying that we want to reduce the number of terrorists.
  19. I hope he doesn't. He would sound really stupid declaring war on an inanimate object. The war on terror sounds dumb.
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