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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. People who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. :)
  2. The overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii refers to a coup d'état on January 17, 1893, in which anti-monarchical insurgents within the Kingdom of Hawaii, composed largely of United States citizens, engineered the overthrow of its native monarch, QueenLili'uokalani. Hawaii was initially reconstituted as an independent republic, but the ultimate goal of the revolutionaries was the annexation of the islands to the United States, which was finally accomplished in 1898. Does this sound familiar? Wiki hawaii overthrow.com
  3. Can anyone explain to me how the U.S. annexed Hawaii?
  4. How do you feel about Burger King moving to avoid paying taxes Smitty?
  5. I have discovered that Nash really does not know what he is talking about.
  6. That sounds like a plan to me
  7. That is not what he said. He said that he was not sending ground troops to Iraq, because it would only be a temporary fix. When the soldiers left, the chaos would resume. The air strikes will continue.He also said that we are not taking any military action against Russia, the sanctions would continue. Who in their right mind would want that? Russia also has nuclear weapons. He said that he was flying out to speak with reps from the U.N.
  8. What happened was wrong, but there is not any outrage if the perpetrator was apprehended and subsequently arrested. Black people become outraged when a black kid is murdered like an animalband it is swept under the rug.
  9. you didn't answer the question. You are making excuses for Perry.
  10. yeah right. He was trying to get rid of her, because her unit was investigating him. If she resigned, he could've appointed someone else to her position. ( A republican)...
  11. shouldnt the 2 DA'S abdicate their offices as well per Texas law.
  12. how could the other two DA'S offices prosecute anyone with a dwi if they were still there. ( I read that the other two were Republicans)
  13. So....per Texas law ALL of them shouldve been removed.
  14. you said that per texas law a district attorney that has a dui charge should be removed from.office. They were not.( the other DA'S ) Your explanation does not make sense.
  15. What about the 2 other DA's, per Texas law they should've been asked to leave, but they weren't.
  16. read the thread again. You will see the link.
  17. 1. Rick Perry helps to create the Cancer Research Agency 2. Perry and Abbott use this as a piggy bank for their donors. 3. Public Integrity Unit led by DA investigates the agency after Perry/Abbott donor gets sketchy 1 million USD. 4. During the investigation, Perry threatened to veto unit funding if the DA doesn't resign THis is what I read.
  18. I read that he told the district attorney to resign or he would veto funding to the agency. That is a threat.
  19. soooo you guys dont think it is odd that he went after the district attorney and the agency that was investigating he and Abbot"s agency.
  20. So.....it is okay to threaten a public official. I read that two other DA's were issued DWI citations and Perry didn't do anything about it. I don't know how true the story is, but l will post the link.
  21. co·er·cion kōˈərZHən,-SHən/Submit noun the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.
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