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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. receiving unemployment benefits is a strong motivator for someone to find a job. One does not get a lot of money.
  2. Do you know that the average person that gets unemployment benefits receive 800/mo. Who can live off of that.? The max amount is 1800. Wow, big bucks. If a person had a job making 78,000 /yr they would only receive 1800/mo, who wouldn't want to sit on their lazy butts to get that type of money? Lol.
  3. The medical examiner said that the autopsy did not show any signs of a struggle. Eye witnesses have said the same thing. I dont know what happened , but I hope they get to the bottom of this.
  4. Did people quit looking for jobs when bush was president.
  5. what do you expect him to say. "Yes, I shot him in cold blood"
  6. So.....what do you guys proposed happened. I am telling you what the article states. There were also witnesses. I still need more facts. The chief of police said that the officer that shot Brown knew nothing about the robbery. Why are you guys so defensive?
  7. That happens during every president's tenure. There comes a time where people no longer qualify for benefits. What is your point?
  8. Michael Brown's Family: What Else Do They Need To Arrest Killer Of Our Son? Aug 18, 2014 12:59 pm Www.Huffington post com according to the autopsy report there was not any evidence of a struggle.
  9. How do you know? There are some corrupt cops out there. (Of all races)
  10. I agree. I have worked a couple of jobs where I was told to do the work of two people. I refused to do it.
  11. I said I have NOT read anything that said there was an altercation as of yet. I did not say it didnt occur. :)
  12. what are you talking about or do you know? I said I dont know all of the facts and I said cops do kill innocent people. I didnt mention anyone of any particular race. Who said he had time to go home?
  13. I wasnt talking about this situation. I dont know enough yet, but I dont find it inconceivable that a cop would kill an innocent person.
  14. I said cops sometime kill innocent people. You cant dispute that.
  15. Someone was asking why he had on different shoes, possibly questioning the validity of the video.Anoter person said because of the timeline he had time to change his shoes. I was wondering why he would take the time to change his shoes.
  16. Why? Oh I forgot cops dont kill innocent people. I have not heard anything in regards to an altercation between the cop and the kid. Someone made a comment about him having time to change his shoes. How was changing his shoes going to mask his identity? I could see if he put on a wig or something.
  17. would an officier ask you that or would he make assumptions and shoot you dead?
  18. Who cares what Allen West thinks or says. Is he all knowing?
  19. george Zimmerman had a criminal record too, but you managed to ignore that.
  20. Did he assault the police officer? Is this fact or mere conjecture? The penalty for stealing cigarettes is less punitive then a charge of assaulting a police officer. That's why I find it hard to believe that he attacked an officer, because he was afraid of going to jail for stealing cigarettes.
  21. I have not read anything that said he was aggressive towards the officer. He stole $49.00 worth of cigarettes. I find it hard to believe that he would attack an officer over the threat of going to jail for that.
  22. Last night, in my hometown, we were out "roaming the streets" until about 3am celebrating my cousin's home going.
  23. Cop who shot Brown didn't know he was a suspect: chief | New York ...nypost.com/.../police-identify-officer-in-.. Can you guys read the aforementioned article and give me your opinions.
  24. why cant a person roam the streets in the middle of the night? Is that a crime
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