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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. people who watch Fox News don't believe this. They think what is reported is the gospel truth
  2. Bloviating Idiot Bill O’Reilly Unwittingly Proves Fox ‘News’ is NOT ‘Fair And Balanced’ (Video) Aattp.org
  3. Was there anything Bush did that you didnt agree with?
  4. Are the 10 Poorest U.S. States Really Republican? - Forbes www.forbes.com/.../are-the-10-poorest-u...
  5. What does it say that most of the 10 poorest states are Republican ... caffertyfile.blogs.cnn.com/.../what-does-i...
  6. Nine out of the 10 poorest states are Red states. - PolitiFact www.politifact.com/.../pro-democrat-gro.
  7. Some of the poorest states are republican states.
  8. What do you think I mean.
  9. Yes, I dont agree with his stance on gay marriage and abortions.
  10. They didnt read the articles I posted.
  11. you guys attack him about everything he does, which is a damn shame. There is something wrong with y'all
  12. you can't use Benghazi anymore so now you are switching topics again.
  13. There were other races that were probably qualified, so why did we have 90 white people, 10 blacks,3 Asians and 2 Hispanics working there. That doesn't seem very diverse to me.
  14. www.cnbc.com/id/100975718. The welfare queen myth is wrong.
  15. so we punish everyone that really need it. What are you saying?
  16. What The Right Doesn’t Want You To Know About Welfare: 9 Myths Exploded AUTHOR: WES WILLIAMS
  17. Your Assumptions About Welfare Recipients Are Wrong This is a very interesting article. I can't post links so just Google the title
  18. so you don't think that there were more then 10 qualified blacks in Houston . Smh
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