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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. "Boehner hates Exec Orders, except when he wants them used." This is an interesting article. It appears that Boehner now wants the President to use an executive order to address the border crisis
  2. You have stated mere fox news talking points.. smh
  3. Smitty, did you graduate from high school?
  4. Obama is the POTUS, nothing you say and do is going to change it. The guys who said it know who I am talking about. :)
  5. I agree, he is awesome.
  6. You guys are just jealous of him. You guys need to "check yourselves before you wreck yourselves", because it is "jingling baby". :)
  7. This is good to know. I think you are speaking of yourself, a lot of nut jobs on this forum feel differently.
  8. I am not hating on him. I want you guys to give me insight into why he's doing it. :)
  9. President Obama said to stop hating. He needs to "shake dem haters off". He is the man. I love it.
  10. Why are you guys giving him a pass, but crucifying President Obama? Why are y'all against him granting amnesty to some illegal immigrants, Reagan did it.
  11. Are you guys going to continue to ignore my question?
  12. what are you talking about?
  13. Cruz whipping tonight against Boehner border bill. Washington Post Why I ask?
  14. So.......illegal immigrants in Texas could pay in state tuition, but U.S. Citizens from other states had to pay out of state tuition fees. Are you guys ok with that?
  15. I said perry passed the Dream Act and is now grandstanding . Why didn't Bush push the federal government for Immigration reform when he was governor?
  16. I am a Christian. It would be really stupid if you guys told me I am not. You guys sound ridiculous when you say that President Obama is a Muslim ;even though ,he professes to be a Christian
  17. 16 years . He was governor of Texas for 8 and the president for 8. You guys are saying he tried, but he was unsuccessful so you give him a pass. The President is trying, but congress won't help so you guys complain . Does that sound reasonable?
  18. He had 16 yrs to do something and didn't, yet you guys complain about the President Obama. Obama took out bin laden. He is bad man.
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