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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Old testament: stoning homosexuals etc. New Testament god loves the homosexual, but he hates the sin...
  2. We were talking about taxes thats why i didnt mention tithing. The tithes are GODs and we sow into the church to further God's mission. ( like helping the poor and needy) Do any of you go to church or read the bible? Those things trojan said are in the old testament we are living under the new covenant so.....according to the bible we pay taxes and we give 10% of our money to the church.
  3. I have a relationship with Christ. I am not "religious". There is a difference. The Republicans claim to be the most "moral" party so I am amused when stuff like this happens.
  4. God told the Romans to give Ceasar what is due to him period. He also says that we should help the poor and needy. When God tells you to do something, dont question it just do it and you will be blessed.
  5. I am not here to talk about sports. I made observations, I was not made mad. My point is this: Don't make basketball analogies when we are discussing politics. It will backfire on you every time. That was a stupid comparison.
  6. Great. Why has Perry changed his mind? Is he grandstanding. Google Texas Dream Act
  7. Answer mine about Bush. Did you believe him at that time?
  8. The Democrats dont claim to be the most moral party. The republicans are "religious"
  9. Out this forum. Rant and rave
  10. Obama is a muslim, socialist, communist. He is going to send drones to attack the american people. Hes coming for our guns (when I ask?). He is the anti Christ, he is like hitler. That is a bunch of crap, as far as him being arrogant, dont hate the player, hate the game. I love the president's swag :)
  11. You guys sound like a bunch of embeciles as well. When I have friends over I pull of this forum. Some are completely astonished and are rendered speechless, some start cussing ( ms morris , she rsnts and raves and says that there are stupid people everywhere) and others think that this site is a joke and you guys cant be serious. My 17 yr old thinks that all of you guys have gone mad. I will never forget the look on his face when I showed him some of your responses. I am laughing now just thinking about it.
  12. They dont name them, because they are idiots. I made a lady cry recently because she couldn't name anything and I told her how stupid she sounds..
  13. Two Former Republican State Attorneys General Arrested In Utah Alen.com MY MY MY
  14. My faith is completely in Christ. I cant answer for anyone else. What's happening in the "world" does not bother me, because I look at things in the spiritual realm. That is why I have a peace that defies all understanding...all you guys do is complain, try praying instead since you guys (conservatives) are so religious... :)
  15. The bible says give to Caesar what is due to Ceasar. (Taxes). One of disciples was a tax collector I believe. Please read the bible before responding.
  16. George Bush said after we invaded Iraq, "mission accomplished" .Did you believe him? I bet you were waving your American flag and everything... Did you drink the kool-aid? lol
  17. That is what you said so why are you c omplaing about the texas border and what the federal government should do ? (they are inept, remember). Let Perry handle it, but does he want to or is he grandstanding? Three words TEXAS DREAM ACT
  18. Please explain why this is the case?
  19. Steve nash that's not what some of the players said. (Zjori, Jay).. the consumers pick what insurance they feel best meets their needs. NOT EVERY INSURANCE COMPANIES PAY FOR THE SAME THINGS. CO-PAYS, DEDUCTIBLES, MAXIUM OUT OF POCKETS ARE DIFFERENT. I.e. I wanted a breast reduction when I had blue/cross blue shield. That was an excluded benefit, they didnt pay for it under any circumstance. I now have mhealth and they paid for my reduction. I had surgery three weeks ago...so with are you guys tAlking about. Smh
  20. Big girl


    Rebel Pundit REBEL PUNDIT is a group effort based in Chicago, the belly of the progressive beast. The blog is a beacon of truth, showng the unholy alliance of the local mainstream media and the progressive Democratic Party. Our team takes to the field with cameras to show what isn’t aired in Chicago. The members of Rebel Pundit believe that exposing the progressive left to the American people is a top mission. THEY ARE VERY BIASED. DID THEY PAY THESE PEOPLE? ARE THEY PAID ACTORS? I NOW HAVE TO QUESTION THE VALIDITY OF THE VIDEO....
  21. Big girl


    There were around 25 people there so I guess the GOP gained 25 more black votes to add to the 6 they received in 2012. Roflmbo...
  22. Whatever. Please dont hold your breath..lmao
  23. Why does it matter jow old I was. I was old enough to realize that President Reagan was dumb enough to send troops into a hostile area without bullets. His secretary of defense advised him not to do it. I was 12 and I vividly remember it. I was a very perceptive kid.
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