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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. what do you think of people who dislike Obama, but they dont have a clue as to what his policies are? I have encountered people who have said "I dont like the Predident's policies". I ask them to tell me about the policies they disagree with and they cant name any.
  2. The consumers pick the coverage that best suits their needs.
  3. Do you think oil subsidies should be given to oil companies making record breaking profits?
  4. I am not talking about coach Sutherland. I like him. :)
  5. Really, who told you that. I think 6 black people voted for Romney in 2012. Lol...That is not changing. You guys are just going to have to suck it up. President Obama is here to stay:)
  6. I thought you guys said that the federal government was just letting people come here soooooo they are trying to deport illegal immigrants?
  7. It allowed ILLEGAL immigrants living in Texas to pay in state college tuition fees. When did Perry have a change of heart.
  8. The government does not decide who gets what kind of coverage. A person shops around on the ecchange and decides what coverage they want. I have shopped and picked out plans for three family members, in my opinion Blue Advantage's Silver Plan ( blue cross/ blue shield ) is the best plan on the exchange.
  9. Steve nash in regards to Zjori I wouldnt care and neither would he. When he was in high school i saw some pretty ridiculous coaching decisions. I didnt get mad.How do you feel about oil subsidies and farm subsides etc. The federal government under the ACA has nothing to do with patient care, what procedures are approved etc.
  10. The black unemployment rate is always higher then whites. It doesn't matter who the President is. Illegal immigration started in 1492. :)
  11. Smitty, the federal government is inept according to steve nash; therefore, we need limited federal government intervention. ....Let Perry handle his border, also google the "Texas Dream Act". Did perry change his mind as it pertains to immigration? Why is he so hot and bothered now? Hmmm
  12. Commentary: Mistaken deportation of Texas teen highlights the rigid, incompetent immigration bureaucracy Posted on January 6, 2012 | By Richard Durban. Google this as well. A man from Arizona was mistakenly deported as well.
  13. U.S. citizens wrongly detained, deported by ICE Google this article.
  14. In Arizona, they were requiring all Hispanics to carry their birth certificates and they were deeporting American citizens, because they didnt have their birth certificate on them when they were stopped. That was ridiculous.
  15. Explain to me how the government is involved except for the mandates. How are they involved in the care patients receive?
  16. God will supply all of my needs by his riches and glory in heaven. That doesn't matter, because all things work together for good for those who love the lord and are called according to his purpose.... they can raise my taxes if it means helping others.
  17. What do private jails have so many problems?
  18. So.......why do you guys complain so much about Obama ?
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