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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Cutting cost so they end up building a terrible home. I know a guy whoes foundation starting cracking 2 yrs after it was built, another lady had an electrical fire (same builder). Another lady had problems with her roof. This should not happen in only 2 yrs. The builder apparently did not build up to standard. They are now being sued..
  2. I think obama has made too many concessions
  3. Or cardiac catheterization , prostrate exams, yearly preventative exams where 7 different blood tests are ordered (costing about 700) that determine if you are high risk for developing an ailment.
  4. I use birthcontrol and I am happy that my insurance company pays 100% :)
  5. Soooooo if you need triple bypass surgery, you would be willing to pay for it yourself?
  6. Every single iraq veteran agreed with the cause........roflmao
  7. So......you guys are okay with billionaires only paying 13% of their income in taxes?
  8. Its sad to see a bunch of men whine about something they cant change. Smh.
  9. I heard about that. I heard they were celebrating and everything. I was told it was very quite the day after the electionm
  10. just like bush and cheney did off of the war in Iraq? What year did the Vietnam war start?
  11. I agree. I think Eisenhower was great as well.
  12. He said fairness because billionaires were paying less of a percentage of their income for taxes when compared to common folks. Romney paid 13%, my husband and I are in the 28 % bracket. We only make around 150000/yr collectively
  13. You do know that president obama is rich.
  14. Mefepristone is the name. I hate auto correct
  15. The name of the abortion pill is meddlesome, it is different from the morning after bill. I dont have a problem with hobby lobby not wanting to pay for that. . It is weird how you guys constantly complain about entitlements, but are ok with a company not paying for birthcontrol pills. Some women will get pregnant and receive welfare and you guys will be itching and moaning about that.
  16. one of the definitions you mentioned describes regular birth control. The language is very deceptive
  17. You do know that a person does not get pregnant the day after sex? It takes up to 6 days.
  18. It can prevent the embryo (rapidly dividing cells) from attaching to the uterus by thickening the uterus. Regular birth control pills do that. It does expel a fetus. There is an abortion pill, but it is not the morning after pill.
  19. Did bush ever visit the border?. ..
  20. You cant give him credit for anything can you?
  21. Obama fixed it. Insurance companies can directly offer free contraceptive s to hobby lobby employees at no cost to hobby lobby. They are more than happy to do it, because it is cheaper to pay for contraception then it is to pay for deliveries especially if there are complications. $50 compared to $20000. It is a no brainer.
  22. The morning after pill prevents the sperm and egg ftom uniting. I said that earlier. Smh
  23. Rivers should not catch on fire. I dont care what you guys say
  24. Imagine if they didnt have to be built to code. That would be a disaster, builders would cut cost to make more money.
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