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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. They just don't get it. I learned this in 5th grade
  2. I take ADHD meds. I don't have a short fuse when I don't take Strattera. Taking it improves my attention span, doesn't affect my cognition.
  3. How do you know that he has Alzheimer's Disease? My Dad has vascular dementia but he doesn't have Alzheimer's. Dementia is a symptom of a medical condition and can be caused by numerous things.
  4. You sound ridiculous. A physician would write a script for whatever medication is medically necessary. He doesn't have to hide anything. The Gateway Pundit is not a good source
  5. What did they do about it?
  6. In ADHD and narcolepsy patients. It is used to combat apathy in dementia patients.
  7. If Adderall helps with cognition wouldnt every dementia patient take it daily?
  8. Black people are arrested, indicted, and convicted more frequently than their white counterparts after committing the same crimes. Why?
  9. There are black and whites on Section 8. Probably more white people.
  10. So, he made an assumption based on race. That's why he was sued.
  11. He said it before they were convicted, didn't he?
  12. It sure is. He and dad were sued by the Justice Dept in the 60s because of housing discrimination
  13. Just because one has "dementia" does not mean he has Alzheimer's disease. I can't tell by looking at an edited clip.
  14. If that is the case, why doesn't he take it every day? Who said that he has Alzheimer's disease:?. Ritalin is used for apathy.
  15. Biden has not opened the border. That is right winged rhetoric
  16. Will the good days allow them to engage in a political debate? Is there a medication that will make them normal for a debate? Can one predict when there is going to be a " good day"? Most types of dementia are progressive, causing a steady decline in symptoms until death. This is because dementia involves brain damage that is permanent and cannot be reversed
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