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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. So obama is not the first president to lie? Why is steve making a big deal out of it, maybe bush1 had every intention not to raise taxes but was forced to by unforseen reasons.
  2. This is the problem, it is bigger then the birthcontrol issue. Religious organizations are exempt from paying for them. You have this company whose CEO and board of directors decide it's against their religious beliefs to pay for birthcontrol pills. What happens if exxon mobile's board of directors and ceo are Jehovah's witnesses and they decide not to cover blood transfusions, they had the insurance company write an exclusion. This could have a snowball effect
  3. What about women who need birth control pills due to health condtions like menorrhagia and polycystic ovarian disease? Does Hobby Lobby still pay for vasectomies?
  4. I am sure it saddens him.
  5. My friend said that you are an idiot and he said you dont understsnd macroeconomics. Do you know what that term means. Bush 1said no new taxes, did he lie or did he not understand macroeconomics?
  6. I know, that is why I wouldn't debate with you. I asked you a simple question.
  7. We had debt during all of the presidents tenures. Were you complaining when bush and reagan were president? Did the national debt quadruple when Reagan was president?
  8. Sigh Benghazi again. What about beirut?. You guys complain about the same ole things. They have had 200 investigations and have not found any wrongdoing. Smdh
  9. If my household debt is 4000 mo and I buy a car and my debt increases to 4800 but i have a monthly salary of 5000 I am in big trouble,. My husband then gets a raise and our income is now 12000 mo then that is great. Our debt increased, but our deficit decreased dramatically. (Hypothetical situation)
  10. You have been saying thAt the debt has been 17 trillion for the last eight mos. How is it going up. Please define debt and deficit. Tmobilehe debt in my household has increased becsuse I bought a new car, but our deficit is lower because we are making more money..
  11. When has obama ever said he wanted a society without private property?
  12. When has obama ever said he wanted a society without private property?
  13. Hell he might have been a racist but he signed that bill Into law so I am forever grateful, because i am not that great of a housekeeper. No one could be worse than bush/cheney.
  14. He signed the civil rights act, which makes him alright with me. I would be working as a maid for a wealthy white family if he had not done that.
  15. What I cant figure out is why people want to do away with the EPA, before the EPA was formed a river caught on fire 13 times because it was so polluted. Google it. West texas was blown off of the map because of less regulation. I definitely dont want to go to sleep worrying about lakes.catching on fire.
  16. Nope, I would not have received it from some of you guys.
  17. Definitions are important . Plese tell me what qualities of a socialist or communist obama possesses. He is either a socialist or he is not. I have never heard obama say that he wants the government to control all forms of production. I dont think taxation had anything to do with it
  18. If it is 17 million ok, but the deficit, which is decreasing, is more important.:).
  19. The Republicans in the House have refused to pass laws that would help vets. They are too busy trying to convince people that corporations are people
  20. Because you guys believe everything that is reported bybthat station. I have heard it from other news outlets. :)
  21. Racist idiots like some of you
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