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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. You talked about the va hospital what is the difference?
  2. Obama says "bring it" baby. :)
  3. The dow hit 17000 for the first time in history. Go obama!!!!!
  4. Why in the world would he hide them in another country? Hell I would use whatever I had, he died anyway.
  5. No. An egg and the sperm have to unite. This prevents that from happening just like birth control pills and high doses of vitamin c
  6. Not according to what I read about hobby lobby. Why do plans cover psychiatric drugs? A company could easily say it is against their religious beliefs, because mentally ill people are demon possessed. Where does it stop?
  7. They cannot afford them!!!!!!
  8. So.....why didnt he use his "arsenal of weapons"?
  9. Again, THE MORNING AFTER PILL is not an abortion pill. Smh
  10. the morning after pill is not abortion. It is birthcontrol. It takes 3 days for conception to occur.
  11. They are taxpayer funded
  12. havent you heard of charity hospitals? Houston has 2, LBJ and Ben taab.
  13. They wont cover birth control pills. By the way, they dont pay their employees $14/hr. Costco does. Cashiers and people who stock items earn $9/hr
  14. true, because the republican party has a bunch of obstructionists. They are impossible to work with. That is why they are called the party of no
  15. I did, hell it is the truth.
  16. Tx hoops is the smartest petson on this forum. You CANNOT win a debate against him so why try.
  17. sigh, the economy again, next Benghazi, entitlements. You recycle complaints. It the same ole things with you.
  18. Steve, why didnt you volunteer to help Bush? In 2003 he said "mission accomplished". It took us 9 more years to get out of there. (Iraq), 11yrs later they find (supposedly)find wmd if that's the case our Cia sucks. Oh, I forgot, they were hidden in Syria.
  19. Why do they invest in birth control companies if they are adamametally opposed to paying for them. Some women cannot afford them.
  20. If sadaam had them, he wouldve used them. Why would he risk being executed? Steve, are you saying that mustard gas is not a wmd?
  21. People are saying that they hid them in Syria (stupid) that is why they couldnt be found. I am not buying it.
  22. Why didnt iraq use the weapons of mass destruction when the US invaded; insteAd of, hiding them in Syria? Do you think we could get away with invading Russia or would they hide their wmd in Cambodia and let us take over their country. That would be stupid.
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