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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. If he were following you in the dark and picked up his pace when you started running away. Hell yeah.. Trayvon, who was a 17 yr old KID, who did not know what Zimmerman's intentions were...George does have a propensity for violence. :)
  2. If he were following you in the dark and picked up his pace when you started running away. Hell yeah.. Trayvon, who was a 17 yr old KID, who did not know what Zimmerman's intentions were...George does have a propensity for violence. :)
  3. If he were following you in the dark and picked up his pace when you started running away. Hell yeah.. Trayvon, who was a 17 yr old KID, who did not know what Zimmerman's intentions were...George does have a propensity for violence. :)
  4. I hope george asked for mercy as well
  5. his friend said he ran away. She never said he made it home and circled back to attack Zimmerman. That was mere conjecture. What does stand your ground mean?. You can ask for forgiveness, but that does not always been you dont have to face the consequences of your actions.
  6. it was only a theory that he got way. There was not absolute proof. If martin hit Zimmerman first, he had the right to stand his ground, because he felt impending danger. Ooh, big George is going to get his in due time, because you reap what you sow...watch how God works. Zimmerman has a propensity b for violence, but GOD will not be mocked!!!!#
  7. who started some of those programs? The president did not come up with section 8 housing, the phone program. ( bush 1 did I believe), food stamps etc. 95 percent of those who are working receive TANF and SNAPS. I have been so blessed by the Lord because I help people. I dont look down on them due to their unfortunate situation.
  8. who started some of those programs? The president did not come up with section 8 housing, the phone program. ( bush 1 did I believe), food stamps etc. 95 percent of those who are working receive TANF and SNAPS. I have been so blessed by the Lord because I help people. I dont look down on them due to their unfortunate situation.
  9. why do kids in suburban areas more prone to school , theater massacres?
  10. where did you get your info from
  11. Sin differently then you do. I had a conversation with a friend that tried to convince me that the bible condones gay relationships.
  12. Dont condemn a person because they chose to sin differently because they sin differently than you do. We all sin and fall short of the glory of the the lord. The only problem that bothers me is when gays try to say it is God"s will that he/she is gay
  13. I cant believe that you guys are still talking about this. One word: Iraq. The President will be ok, because he is blessed and highly favored. :)
  14. Why would a network allow a guest with those asinine views appear on the show? Some people actually believe that mess.
  15. I dont know how to post links, unfortunately. I use my phone to communicate on thisn board.
  16. Zimmerman is a punk bi&^/^ if he couldnt handle a skinny 17 yr old, especially when he ( george ) was taking martial art classes. I find this odd: he was giving out autographs at a gun convention.Why? Police officers kill people in self defense and they are placed on administrative leave and they talk with mental health professionals. Zimmerman is handing out autographs and stating that it wad God's will that he kill Martin.Smh
  17. With. A 13 year old would know that a great majority of things broadcast on fox "news" is a bunch of b.s.. the predident is a Muslim, he is coming after out guns, he is going to attack us using drones, he is going to place us under martial law (2012), he is becoming a dictator, he is taking away our civil liberties, he is part of the illuminati, he is going to force people to get chips placed under their skin. The list goes on and on. Smh
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