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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Republican Lie Dies as the Obama Economy Hits 48 Straight Months of Job Growth
  2. he based it off of romneycare which is doing wonderful in Massachusetts. Do you like romneycare?
  3. wow!!!!, people who shop on the exchange are insured by private insurace companies like humama, blue cross/blue shield, molina. It is not a government run program. Smh
  4. you are so stubborn, just admit that you are wrong geez
  5. I dont understand how someone who is dumb enough to chose the moniker "smitty" can call anyone stupid.
  6. I dont trust nash for a number of reasons. That was the icing on the cake.:)
  7. why are you arguing with a salesman err I mean financial planner?
  8. Can mustard gas cause buildings and mountains to crumble?
  9. what is your definition of MASS destruction?
  10. Google the article ....."executive orders, more to come". President Obama is not the only POTUS to have an executive order overturned by the Supreme Court.
  11. the congress was in recess 3 days, the supreme court says they have to be in recess for 10 days. He is not the only president to make appointees in this fashion. His lawyers put up valid arguments and they lost. It happens. You guys are making it more then it is. (Like you always do). What about all of his executive orders that were approved by the supreme court? You win some and you lose some.
  12. Would you consider mustard gas a weapon of mass destruction? It is a chemical weapon.
  13. What "obamacare" is is very simple. There is no way we could disagree purely based on its definition, so I ask again. Explain to me what the ACA is.?
  14. you guyd dont like obamacare. I want you all to explain to me what it entails
  15. yep, being a financial planner does not always make one financially or economically asute. I thought he had a ph.d in economics because of the way he was talking about the debt, deficit.
  16. "who" makes it a nonsensical question.
  17. how does filing bankruptcy imply that a RN cant do her job.
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