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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Hell, that is how I feel about Bengazi. It is old news. How many investigations have they had?
  2. I would to hear fox news' spin on this. "Obama spiked his drink with alcohol"........lol
  3. Imagine if it was someone from msnbc? Roflmbo. I love it!!!
  4. Greg Jarrett was arrested, he appeared to be drunk. He was charged with interfering with the duties of a peace officer. Kmsl
  5. Steve how is that the presidents fault?. My cousin died because of a VA hospital error. Should we blame Bush?. How dare the republicans complain when they are the ones that cut funding. My cousin was sent home without receiving plasma after medical testing. He bled to death at home. He should've never been released..we never thought about sueing the Bush administration.
  6. It is reported that one of his aides stated that the shutdown of the highway was political retaliation.
  7. Unless you are one of the parents of the soldiers that were killed in this "war"
  8. I dont agree with gay marriage, but on what b.asis can it be deemed illegal
  9. I think 1 and done can be a bad thing for some players. Anthony and Durant did well for themselves though.
  10. ministering is different from trying to force someone to believe what you believe.
  11. I dont have an answer for that. I don think that is just a biblical principle. All I know is that the constitution states that we have separation of church and state and freedom of religion. There is not any easy answer for me.
  12. roflmbo. What results? He did get a lot of shoulders killed needlessly. According to what I have researched, Georgia lost to Russia, so how did we help?
  13. Christ never forced anyone to follow him or his teachings.
  14. I thought you guys wanted less government intervention. I dont think gay marriage should be legal, but again on what grounds can you stop it?
  15. you tell me. You cant force people to follow the teachings of the bible. Our constitution states that we have freedom of and from religion.
  16. We cannot enact laws based on biblical principles. We have freedom of religion. I dont agree with gay marriage but how can it he legally banned .
  17. You guys are always trying to put down obama. I want to know how you feel about Bush.
  18. Some criminals are not that bright. It could happen. They throw guns in lakes, rivers etc.
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