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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. How do you guys feel about the way the bush administration handled Russia when they invaded the Republic of Georgia?
  2. I thought that registering guns assists police officers in apprehending criminals, maybe I watch too many crime shows. I have seen cases where they were able to track down a person based on who the gun was registered to.
  3. are you okay with that type of regulation? Republicans appear to abhor any form.
  4. We should abolish all gun laws. You guys are right.
  5. If a "bad" kid in his daycare decides to shoot, he will at least be able to protect himself.
  6. Answer my question first. Why dont you guys have a problem registering your cars? Let's do away with all gun laws. A person should be able to carry a gun no matter how old they are. If a parent of a two year old wants him to pack heat so be it.
  7. why do you register your cars? What is the need for that?
  8. I am not buying it. Oh I forgot, Trayvon was a thug. Smh. Zimmerman is a big liar.
  9. George told too many different stories, he is lucky that I was not on the jury. He jumped me from behind, no from the front, wait he jumped out of the bushes ( whuch were two feet high). Etc
  10. I am sure you wouldve gone to a hospital for testing after you got your head beaten into the concrete even if it happened only twice.
  11. yep, because you have to be really stupid to vote against your own interest like some of these broke republicans.
  12. Zimmerman's brother was on pier morgan's show after the incident. He said that his brother had his head repeatedly slammed into the concrete. He also said that if his brother would've sustained one more blow, he would've been a vegetable and he would be changing his diapers. That story does not match rhe injuries, being beaten within an "inch of your life" (per steve nash) has serious physical implications.
  13. Zimmerman wad not overweight at the time he killed Martin. Didnt you see the pics? He was taken mma classes. He weighed 190 lbs, martin was around 140 lbs.
  14. I have been a Registered Nurse for 17 years. I have never heard of someone who has gotten beaten within an inch of his life not been life flighted to a trauma center. He had a head injury, didnt he?
  15. Didnt Trayvon have a right to stand is ground?
  16. If he were following you in the dark and picked up his pace when you started running away. Hell yeah.. Trayvon, who was a 17 yr old KID, who did not know what Zimmerman's intentions were...George does have a propensity for violence. :)
  17. If he were following you in the dark and picked up his pace when you started running away. Hell yeah.. Trayvon, who was a 17 yr old KID, who did not know what Zimmerman's intentions were...George does have a propensity for violence. :)
  18. If he were following you in the dark and picked up his pace when you started running away. Hell yeah.. Trayvon, who was a 17 yr old KID, who did not know what Zimmerman's intentions were...George does have a propensity for violence. :)
  19. I hope george asked for mercy as well
  20. his friend said he ran away. She never said he made it home and circled back to attack Zimmerman. That was mere conjecture. What does stand your ground mean?. You can ask for forgiveness, but that does not always been you dont have to face the consequences of your actions.
  21. it was only a theory that he got way. There was not absolute proof. If martin hit Zimmerman first, he had the right to stand his ground, because he felt impending danger. Ooh, big George is going to get his in due time, because you reap what you sow...watch how God works. Zimmerman has a propensity b for violence, but GOD will not be mocked!!!!#
  22. who started some of those programs? The president did not come up with section 8 housing, the phone program. ( bush 1 did I believe), food stamps etc. 95 percent of those who are working receive TANF and SNAPS. I have been so blessed by the Lord because I help people. I dont look down on them due to their unfortunate situation.
  23. who started some of those programs? The president did not come up with section 8 housing, the phone program. ( bush 1 did I believe), food stamps etc. 95 percent of those who are working receive TANF and SNAPS. I have been so blessed by the Lord because I help people. I dont look down on them due to their unfortunate situation.
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