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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. What would you do if some creepy guy was following you and you dont know what his intent was?.George told 5 stories in regards to what happened that night. He said that it was God's will when that he killed martin. That's pitiful and God will not be mocked.
  2. I think you guys watch too much of fox news. Roflmbo
  3. yes i do. You guys were listening to him when he said George was not a racist.
  4. Tafee was interviewed as well. ( lips were in sync)
  5. I read about in the Orlando Sun and it was on the the Trayvon Martin foundatation's website and to think, most of you guys said it wasn't a race thing. Smh
  6. you watch gox news dont you?
  7. what about exxon-mobile's business connection with Russia?
  8. what platform dont you agree on?
  9. so you have met every democrat and republican in the nation and you know whatb they think
  10. I think the republican party silenced him. They didnt really want a black president. When Cain took the lead in the polls, the info was leaked. I told my sister they would find something if he was leading. He is an Uncle Tom, just like allen west and Clarence Thomas.
  11. Maybe they didnt see it. It was on you tube, not CNN, FOX or MSNBC. Someone showed it to me so that I could stock up on food and supplies. I told her to look closely at his lip movements. She agreed that the words didnt match.
  12. Everyone thinks they know more than the President. No matter what he does, you guys are going to complain about it snd spin it to makehim look bad.
  13. He appeared on numerous shows in the past so he has already gotten his 15minutes of fame. Zimmerman was his best friend, maybe he told him it wasnt self defense.
  14. He was Zimmerman's best friend. He doesnt think that it was self defense. His brother died last month. He said he doesn't want a book deal. He said that he wants to clear his conscience and "get right with God". He also apologized to the martin family.
  15. I forgot that obama is coming for our guns. SMH
  16. no, but the unemployment rate was 12.7 during Bush"s tenure.
  17. Since you know so much, maybe you should be president. Smh
  18. Have you seen the video? If you have you need to have your eyes examined.
  19. At one point it was 16 percent. This is not the p resident's fault. Blacks have also had a higher unemployment rate than white people. Smh . You guys blame him for everything
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