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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. was he robbed of his incentive to succeed?
  2. so you agree that he didnt "pull himself up by his bootstraps". He wants massive cuts in the program. He didnt mention anything about increased funding for job training programs, increases in financial aide, lower student loan interest rates etc. That is how you help people; instead he belittles them.smh
  3. you can only get TANF for 5:yrs. TANF is an acronym for TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES.
  4. hell he is an uncle tom
  5. Those statements are what my problem with him is. I am not talking about government cutbacks etc. I am talking about him demeaning welfare recipients, that is akin to me belittling people who go to college on basketball Schlorships. I did, so I would sound like an idiot. ( went to college on a basketball Schlorship)
  6. he DID NOT pull himself up by his bootstraps. He had help period........
  7. I wouldnt have a job? I now work for mhealth!!!! What the hell are you talking about?????.smdh
  8. He is belittling those currently on welfare. He has no idea what those kids future will be. Some of those kids could become doctors or lawyers. He said and I am quoting him "that it was okay being on welfare when he was on it". He doesnt think it so cool now. He is a hypocrite based on that statement alone.
  9. This thread is about ben Carson's hypocrisy. The term "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" means you achieved success without any outside help. We know that is not the case with Ben. He almost flunked out of school. He had to get a tutor. He was on welfare etc
  10. I am talking about him because he belittles those who receive benefits. Hell he was on the system as well. He was ultimately successful, but he is not the only one in the United States who went from rags to riches.
  11. how did he pull himself up by his bootstraps ( nobody does, that a myth) when he received government assistance? If I am not mistaken he received a pell grant which is another form of assistance. I have two college degrees and I know I didnt pull myself up by my bootstraps. My first degree was attainable because of a basketball Schlorship, the second happened as a result of me receiving stipends and school loans
  12. you can only get TANF for 5 yrs. He wants massive cuts now. What if it affects the people who are trying to better themselves. Hypocrite
  13. Admits on "The View" that his mother received welfare assistance. He also said that his grades improved tremendously when he was able to receive glasses because of a government funded program for the poor, yet he supports the Republicans when it pertains to massive cuts in SNAP and welfare benefits. He said things were different when he was on government assistance. He is a hypocrite and he has forgotten where he came from. Smdh
  14. you guys will never get it, because you are white. My life experiences as a black person are Different from yours
  15. A white kid would only get probation
  16. I agree, but if he is black, he is doomed.
  17. president reagan never addressed the issue. He was told not to send troops there. He didn't allow any of the soldiers to have guns so they couldnt even shoot at the vehicle carrying the bomb. Should reagan have been impeached .
  18. that is totally ridiculous. Smh
  19. Whatever. Republicans cut funding to VA hospitals. I love the bait and switch though.:)
  20. President obama discovered a cure for cancer. Steve Nash: Benghazi. Kmsl
  21. are you saying that the President gave them direct orders to investigate those particular entities?
  22. I am. Why wasnt this much time and energy put into the Beirut incident that cost over 200 people their lives? I cant wait to hear your answer.
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