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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. At one point it was 16 percent. This is not the p resident's fault. Blacks have also had a higher unemployment rate than white people. Smh . You guys blame him for everything
  2. At one point it was 16 percent. This is not the p resident's fault. Blacks have also had a higher unemployment rate than white people. Smh . You guys blame him for everything
  3. no, I am just happy that the guy didnt have an AK47
  4. That makes a lot of sense
  5. what actons? He says he is a Christian. Only an idiot would say he is not. I am a Christian. A person would have to be insane to argue with me and tell me I am a Buddhist and not a Christian
  6. He was Georges biggest supporters. He appeared on various shows defending him. He argued with Nancy Grace and said Trayvon was a thug and Zimmerman killed him in self defense. He is now saying that Zmmerman killed him and he said that Martin was not the aggressor. He was a close friend of Georgie
  7. if he did that,you guys would be saying that we need to take care of home and stay out of it. Smh
  8. There was a shooting close to my house. Kids were running and a few hopped over my fence. 3 people were shot. Can you imagine how many kids would've been ki liked if the assailant had a tech 9.
  9. they cant provide you any facts just mete conjecture. Smh
  10. He had a change of heart and now says he needs to clear his conscious. HE reportedly said that he believes Zimmerman racially profiled Trayvon.
  11. Lol. Whatever you guys say. Wow
  12. So why did he place them there in the first place?
  13. Big girl


    Is it true that he is pulling his troops out of the Ukraine due to the economic sanctions imposed by the US and other countries?
  14. screw it. Why dont we bring back duals (msp????). We can all just shoot each other dead in the streets. Lmbo
  15. yep, even Reagan agreed with that.
  16. I tell my friends about some of the things that are written on this site. They pause, because they are stunned, then they laugh. :)
  17. they will come up with one conspiracy theory after another. Smh
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