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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. when did hev say this? Did you hear him or did you get your info from fox news.
  2. I am positive he does...it was a gaffe
  3. have you personally seen Clinton's, both Bush's. Carter, and Perry. You cant teach a class at law school if you are not a lawyer.
  4. Yeah I would just love to have a privately run fire and police department. NOT. Have you heard what has been going on at some of the private prisions?
  5. what degree? A socialist is someone who believes that the government should own ALL means of production. When has the president ever made that statement?
  6. president Obama is a Muslim even though he says otherwise. That is akin tobme telling you that you are a Buddhist, spite of, what religion you say you practice (that is dumb as hell). The president was born in Kenya, SMH. President Obama is coming for our guns, when I ask. President obama doesn't understand the constitution ( he did teach constitutional law). President obama does not love America ( that is dumb as hell). The list goes on and on.
  7. CIA agents said they were "encouraged" by the Bush administration to falsify the report. I think one of them wrote a book about it.
  8. what if your kid was one of the 15?
  9. if you plan on abolishing one, I Ithink it would be wise to know the name of the agency, don't you?
  10. We all have brain fogs every once in a while, but when that is a norm for a person then.........President Obama was a community organizer BEFORE he finished law school. He taught constitutional law at the university of Chicago after graduating from Harvard Law. He also served as a civil right attorney. Rick Perry graduated from Texas A&M with a 2 2 GPA and received an animal science degree. That is pretty impressive if he were running for a head dog catcher position. I can't believe he was elected at all
  11. The suggestions are illogical. Lol
  12. We need gun control. The arming of teachers suggestion has convinced me of that...
  13. so it is okay for 15 kids to die? If 50 are not killed we can give each other a high five and say it was a good day.
  14. Especially. I hate auto correct.
  15. edpecially when you have idiots like Rick Perry in office... if I were elected o i would shut down the EPA, the dept of education and uhh the dept of uhh I forgot. Smh
  16. you wouldnt feel that way if you worked for the government and didnt get paid for two weeks
  17. where would the guns be stored? In a safe? By the time the safe is opened 15 people would have lost their lives. The teacher who is trying to open the safe would probably be the first one to get shot.
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