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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. What if a teacher decides to carry an assault weapon and one of her students' takes it from him/her and kills the entire class. Have you guys thought about that scenario.?
  2. yes we would have teachers having to teach and police the schools.
  3. how fobyoubfeel about having to register your cars?
  4. why dont we just ban assault weapons, Reagan did.
  5. typical republican response...due to a "lack of funds" make the existing staff do the work of two people
  6. I wasnt aware that any school in BISD has experienced a mass shooting and I doubt that they will.
  7. yes they would. I thinking whining and complaining is therapeutic for them. I am glad they are releasing their pent up frustrations..
  8. "According to this intelligence report, Iraq has weapons of mass destruction" That doesn't leave room for interpretation. It sounds cut and dry to me.. Fox news has distorted the facts in regards to Benghazi; as well as, the IRS "scandal".
  9. The states are not doing a good job. Perry cut funding to Texas schools a few years ago. A lot of teachers were laid off as a result. My son was in a class with 31 students, which is ridiculous.
  10. Bush and Cheney never have. Reagan didn't when over 200 people were killed in an embassy attack in 1983. He was told by his secretary of defense not to send anyone to Beirut. What do you guys think about them?
  11. 6.3 is great considering what it once was.
  12. It is now 6.3 which is great. It might go down to 5.5. What is a "normal" recovery? What makes you think the economy is improving in spite of him?
  13. I voted for him and I dont receive TANF nor do I receive SNAPS. You guys are just going to have to deal with him being the President, it wont change no matter how much you whine and complain. :)
  14. They were given falsified information. President Obama, senator Obama at the time did not vote for the invasion. :)
  15. they were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
  16. I am still waiting for proof in regards to those weapons of mass destruction.
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