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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Smitty you would prove to me that the president is deep rooted socialist. A socialist is someone who wants the government to control ALL forms of production. He has not expressed a desire to do that. What do you think of our fire dept. Do you like the current setup or would you prefer that bit be run by a private company? Fireman: that will be 250.00. You give him your credit card. fireman: while your credit card was processing the fire . Intensified so that will bev an additional 75. Etc My point is this: we havevto have some form of socialism to thrive. We have never been a purely capitalist society.
  2. Every teacher that I know says that they are not carrying a gun. I told one about this conversation, she said that you guys are welcome to volunteer as the "gun carrier" at her school. If you want the kids to be safer allow background checks.
  3. Big girl


    I watch cnn, msnbc and fox. Fox news is ridiculous.
  4. the problem is this: They dont have a point. All they do is watch the crap being spewed by Fox news and take it as the gospel truth. They dont realize how ridiculous they sound. My 17 yr old thinks that some of these guys are nuts. ( I show him some of their posts). He cant believe that some grown ups are really stupid as it pertains to political matters. :)
  5. we should arm the kids as well.
  6. How do they know if a person is a felon?
  7. A bill has to be approved by the house and the senate.
  8. Who is writing those laws that he is thuggishly enforcing? I think you are confused as to how the process works.
  9. Big girl


    I don't, so please show me your evidence.
  10. Big girl


    news channels that are not biased. Real . Stations. Fox news is not really news. When a station only gives one side of the story and makes up things, such as, the President initiating martial law (2012), and sending drones to steal our guns then I don't take that outlet seriously. I also don't like outlets that go to court to invoke their first amendment right to lie.
  11. ) 77 are you saying that gun stores perform background checks or do they just take your word for it.
  12. What are you talking about in regards to felons? I think a person should show an I.d.
  13. He cant write laws. Congress does that. I am unclear as to what you mean....
  14. 77 how do you know if soneone is felon if a background check is not required? Does the felon willingly disclose that info to the gun shop rep?
  15. President reagan required gun registration? Why is it such a big deal now?
  16. Can someone tell me something positive the president has done? If is opposition says that he hasn't done anything, that is a problem and it makes me wonder.
  17. Like the president is sending drones to take our guns.....lmbo
  18. If the president were not black, he would not have to deal with these absurd accusations. If someone says that they don't like the president and I ask them what ideologies they disagree with and they don't know, then that is a problem. It makes me wonder. If they tell me some ridiculous crap that they heard on Fox news, I think that they are incredibly stupid or they are a racist
  19. I know a lot of people who are not. Are you saying that your insurance premiums have always been the same price for the last 10 years, or however long you have been employed, and have suddenly increased dramatically recentl?. Increasing premiums are not a new thing.
  20. Big girl


    Do you have evidence that all his records are sealed? (Fox news does not count).
  21. Big girl


    If hiliary is elected, she will not have to endure the accusation of being born in Kenya..........will she :)
  22. Big girl


    When ignorant people want to broadcast their ignorance, you don't have to do anything, you just let them talk...quote by President Obama. I am taking his advice. This forum is pathetic.
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