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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. what is wrong with having to register a gun?
  2. Felons can't vote, but they can buy a gun?
  3. when did I say that? I think we should have an I.D. and mandatory background checks.
  4. I don't care. The US can return to it's wild wild west days. :)
  5. What do you think of george Herbert bush? He said " read my lips, no new taxes" then subsequently raised them.
  6. I am not paying more for my insurance. I think that is a lie created by fox news. People who bought insurance on the exchange work. If they didn't they wouldn't receive subsidies if they shopped on the exchange, because they qualify for medicaid. Everyone is allowed to keep their legal insurance plan. I think it was a matter of semantics. People who lost coverage were with plans that are now deemed illegal, but if an idiot wants to keep an illegal plan that has preexisting condition exclusions and maximum out of pocket limitations let them. If they get sick and reach their 3 million dollar life time max and are kicked off of the plan, they deserve to die, because they had other options. The unemployment rate is down, taxes have been increased on the 1 percent. Obama being the biggest liar cannot be unequivocally proven. It is an opinion.
  7. My friend said that we should invade Russia. I had to remind her that Russia has nuclear weapons. I don't think she knew that. She then said"he needs to draw a line in the sand". I asked her how should he draw a line in the sand? I asked her to be very specific in her response. She didn't have an answer.
  8. lol. That is what the President said in an interview. People are complaining, but they do not have an alternative. Smh
  9. What should Obama do in regards to Russia?
  10. what are the negative affects
  11. no they do not.They only appear to care about politicians that further their cause.
  12. lol, you made a very logical point.
  13. People are insinuating that the outrage was artificial. How would they know if a black person felt offended?They are not black; therefore, they are not able to say yay or nay. I know people who were really upset about what was said. I don't care, I feel sorry for the guy. He is incredibly ignorant, because being a racist in itself is illogical.
  14. You didn't answer my question. 77
  15. How many lies has the other presidents told?
  16. My sister is a teacher and she says they don't pay her to carry a gun. They pay her to teach. I cant understand why people are so adamantly opposed to background checks being mandatory.
  17. What has he lied about?Please explain and be very specific. I want information from reliable sources not from Fox news.
  18. But how do you know he lies more then all the other presidents? We will agree to disagree, because I don't think he always lies..I am still waiting for the CIA to find those weapons of mass destruction. :)
  19. I dont think that a person's private conversation made within the confines of his/her home should be made public either.
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