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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Hey Blue Dove, I would like to meet you one day you seem pretty cool. I know that you have already met my sister Christina Bosha.
  2. Actually  Blue Dove, I suffer from a chronic ,sometimes ,debilatating illness. I probably wouldve gotten into a debate with you, but the illness has gotten the best of me today and I do not have the energy ;D
  3. Blue Dove I know what you are trying to do and its not going to work this time.... ;)
  4. I just caught one of my spelling errors. I shouldve said bait not bate
  5. I guess that's why some people call elementary school  "grammar school" ;)
  6. ok I couldnt resist. Bud how are old you? You asked me "you in the same grade as him". Shouldnt you have said are you in the same grade as he? I know that I am not the best as it pertains to spelling, but I do know how to construct a sentence. Remember this ,a sentence should always have a verb. :P
  7. You guys want to continue with the insults I see. My  post was not to be taken seriously, I was being funny and I wanted you guys to shut up and leave me alone.That didnt work out well at all. I am done. I will not allow you to bate me into arguring with you.Thank you Pumper you summed it up well.  ;)
  8. Okay this is really it. I just read through the thread and I realized that I totally overreacted. You guys were telling me to forget about what didnt occur and focus on the future. ( Zjori doesnt care at all). I have a tendency to overreact and it is very frustrating that I failed again. I do have people praying for the spirit of rebellion to leave me. Like Brittney Spears said "oops I did it again." SMH.  :-[
  9. I am basing it on the fact that he is better overall than the other players, not just point production. Stop making up an excuse to keep me posting. I just turned everything in and I am getting out like Dick Vitale said. Farewell my friends :'(
  10. He should replace everybody but Holmes and Elam.
  11. Whitney Houston said it best.... If I should stay, I would only be in the way.... So I must go, you all know that I am not what you need. But I will always love you (guys),  will always love you (guys) Bitter sweet memories is all that I am taking with me, etc, etc, etc... LOL Farewell my friends!!!!!
  12. In my opinion Zjori shouldve made 1st team hands down. Paige made the team, but Zjori made all- State. That doesnt make any sense. Hell he shouldve been the MVP. ( I am a little biased).  LOL....Who do you think he should replace? I am glad you noticed my comedic timing. I work hard on that aspect of my debates.
  13. Today will be my last day on the thread. I just dont know when to shut up so I am going to retire when it pertains to debating. I wish you all well. ;)
  14. I apologize Blue Dove. I have a tendency to act before I think. :-\
  15. OK Blue Dove, I was wrong. I looked at that particular thread and you were involved in the thread but you were not the one to say he refused to come out of the game. To think I have been holding a grudge for 5 yrs over this, but I am not letting you off of the hook that easily. You said that he can't create his own shot, he cant drive to the basket etc. That part is not true. ;)
  16. One thing that i remember vividly is that you lied on him. You said that he was rude and refused to come out of a "LIL Dribblers" basketball game after the coach asked him to. You totally took that out of context and posted it. I remember a few people who read your post talked about how Zjori had a bad attitude based soley on what you wrote. In actuality, he told his coach he did not need to come out of the game, he was ok. (His coach thought he was hurt) I remember you and his mother having words on this thread in regards to your lie.
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