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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Are the refs calling it just one way. Does Yates have any players in foul trouble?
  2. The first thing coach Sutherland said to his grandmother after the game against Yates is that "I have to find a way to put some weight on him" LOL. He looked befuddled.
  3. I agree that he needs to pick up some weight. He eats a lot. He lifted weights last summer. I agree about the mid range jumper, we talked about that this season. His dad is 6'8 and did not start gaining weight until he was in college. Yeah Lazeek a good ole fashion tongue lashing, dont act like it didnt happen. LMBO ;)
  4. I am postive that Lazeek wont be saying anything negative about me from this point on. He really got a tongue lashing from my cousin. I am in no way making an ass out of myself.
  5. What does Bosha need to work on to elevate his game? I would love to know. He is a hard worker.
  6. I hope Silsbee can pull it out. Good luck Tigers.
  7. Oh and I said that one of Yates' coaches was encouraging the players to mock the Silsbee players which is true.
  8. What did I say negative about the Yates players except for the fact that they tried to start an altercation with the Silsbee players? I said I did not like their style of play and I said that Yates is not a great school from an academic standpoint. Its funny how they were talking about the whipping they put on HJ, but they were not too receptive to people talking about their school I have a right to my opinion... ;D
  9. Blue Dove I am not mad at all. Not once did I say that Bosha did not have weaknesses. Lazeek I really dont know what you are talking about but I do know that I am not a bad apple, I am just giving my opinion. I have seen you write some really stupid stuff on this thread so dont judge me. SMH
  10. I see that you guys are getting really upset so I am done with this thread. I hope all goes well. Have a good day!!!!! ;)
  11. Bosha has played in Las Vegas, Houston, Dallas etc with team Sneed and he played well. He is 6'5. Again Dick Vital, I am sorry if it offends you but I need statistical data. I just cant take your word for it. Isnt that a reasonable request? If your kid shot 42% from the field and Bosha shot 52% from the field can you really say that the kid is a better shooter? What if Bosha shot 38% from the 3 point line and your kid shot 32% could you say he is a better 3 point shooter?If Bosha averaged 6 steals a game and your kid 3 could you say he is a better defender. I am just throwing out random numbers, but I hope you get my point. The only time that my cousin had problems handling the rock is when he grew 2 inches in 2 mos. You can always tell when he hits a growth spurt, because he does have problems handling the ball. ;)
  12. I live in Houston, I once lived in Dallas. I meant to say that I have lived in Dallas and have seen alot of kids play
  13. Wow, people seem to be a little touchy. I dont live in SE tx, I live in Dallas and I have seen alot of kids play. Would the "little doves" still be playing if they had to face Yates? If your kids are not in competition with Bosha why are you always talking bad about him. I could say a few things about your kids but I won't. Isnt one of them only 5'5? Dick Vitale I need stats. You telling me that someone is better does not cut it for me. I need statistical data. There is no need to get so upset. It is not good for your body. Stay calm and cool. 8)
  14. Oh and I was told by his aunt and mom that he received a letter stating that he is going to be in a national basketball magazine. I think they only chose 50 from Texas. So someone thinks that he is good.....
  15. Bosha is the real deal even the Yates coach said so. Do you think that your kids are better Blue Dove? ;)
  16. LMBO....Whatsoever would make you think that? I am a relative but I am not his aunt. His aunt would definitely not deny it, because of her personality.
  17. In the last 7 yrs can you name any great people who graduated from Yates. The school started to have problems around that time. I dont dispute the fact that there are some awesome Yates alumni. :D
  18. If they have all of these great programs why is their drop out rate at 30-40%. You cant benefit from these "great programs" if you drop out of school in the 9th grade.
  19. I went to college with John Roper in the 80's. I also see you also mentioned someone from the 60's. :o
  20. Oh I am scared now. Big Cam what are you going to do if I don't back off. Mrs Rashaad graduated 30 yrs ago. We are talking about the current Yates, not what it was 25-30 yrs ago... :P
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