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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Why waste the time typing when I can just post an article. [Hidden Content]
  2. How do you know that systematic racism doesn't exist?
  3. We did not have the protections hence the Black Wallstreet masscre. I was able to attend college because I had a special talent (basketball schlorship for my first degree). I might not have gone otherwise. Just because I am OK in spite of institutional racism doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  4. Black people didnt have many options until the Civiil Rights Act was enacted. I am one generation removed from that era. There are around 10, 000,000 white people on SNAPS, and they had more opportunities than black people for a longer period of time. I am mentioning this because I remember someone asking on a thread why black people couldn't get it together being that it has been 60 years since the Civil Right Bill was passed. I was born in the 70s. When I was around 5, I vividly remember my parents excitedly telling me that I was going to get a college education, something they were unable to acheive because of systematic racism.
  5. So why are so many white people living in poverty. There is no excuse.
  6. More whites utilize welfare programs. Why? They were not slaves, and did not have to live under the Jim Crow Laws like Black people. I would expect less whites to need assistance.
  7. Racist comment. If he had that mindset, he deserved to be sued
  8. [Hidden Content] U.S. citizens and certain,students are generally not eligible. TANF [Hidden Content]
  9. Yet, Trump stopped minorities from living in his properties in the 70s. Subsequently, he was sued by the Jusice Dept. Furthermore, he thinks there is a such thing as Black jobs. He is really stupid.
  10. Omg, I know that, but it doesn't change the fact that more whites utilize those programs.
  11. I've heard whites say that about black people because they think there are more blacks on the system. What about the statement about black jobs?
  12. Is ny statement wrong? There are more white people on welfare? Get half of them off and we will be in better shape
  13. How do you know that Biden didn't shake the hands of any black person?
  14. Illegal immigrants can't receive Medicaid nor SNAPS. They can't work either, without a valid driver's liscence, and social security number.
  15. How can you speak for Blacks? There are more white people on welfare programs.. Are you afraid they are taking all of the free stuff from them?
  16. Basically you are saying you don't know what is considered a black job. I am black but I live in the suburbs, is my job safe? Lmbo
  17. What are black jobs? I am a RN, is that considered a white job? 😆 lol [Hidden Content]
  18. Ate you saying that Biden didn't shake any black person's hand, even when the camera wasn't on him?
  19. I thought you all said he has dementia. Now, he has Parkinson's Disease? If he met with a doc, maybe it was to gain insight about the condition. I personally don't know much about the disease. [Hidden Content]
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