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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Gender dysmorphia is a mental disorder. It has an ICD-10 code, F64.0
  2. Why is Trump running again if elections are rigged against him?
  3. And the State of Israel is not the same as biblical Israel. The 12 tribes were not from the State of Israel, which was created in the 1940s. They are bullies. The people who live in Gaza decided to fight back.
  4. Why should they support the State of Isreal?
  5. I believe in taking care of babies outside of the womb. You don't. I support programs that help to sustain life like Medicaid, food stamps, CHIP and WIC. Republicans don't. You guys are pro birth.
  6. So you don't believe in gender dysmorphia?
  7. I don't think transgender should compete against cis .women. That is not a part of the revision
  8. If you don't know what transgender means look Goigle it
  9. You are quoting the illuminatibot? Wow, that is a credible source
  10. Are you referring to the Jews that live in the State of Israel
  11. Why is Trump running again if election fraud exists? Why waste the time
  12. When has she advocated violence?
  13. That' was not added. Transgender males still can't compete.
  14. Protections now include sexual orientation. You can't discriminate based on race, religion, disability, nationality and sexual orientation. Who would want the legal right to discriminate against gay people? Evil people.
  15. This is a stupid question. If you think that every Muslim is like this then you are insane
  16. Do you remember when Trump said that Italy and the US have been allies since ancient Rome?
  17. You replied so it didn't fall on deaf ears
  18. If the 2020 election was so called rigged. What makes you guys think Trump is going to win in 2024? Will that election be rigged as well?
  19. I didn't post that article, but I read it after I posted
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