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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. You are projecting. You have someone writing for you. I am a college graduate, I don't need assistance in that area.
  2. Yep. Some people assume that unqualified whites are never hired over qualified minorities. They assume that it is always the minorities who are less qualified.(CardinalBacker)
  3. Preventing discrimination against qualified minority applicants.
  4. Unless you are black and grew up before the Civil Rights Act you don't have a right to tell me that blacks and whites had the same opportunities, and that only a few blacks experienced racism. The unmitigated gall of some of you people. (CardinalBacker)
  5. Nope.The fact that unqualified whites get jobs merely because of their race infuriates me. It works both ways. You act like blacks are the only group this applies to. White people have always had the upper hand. Jobs should be based on merit.
  6. So blacks had to flee the South to escape racism? How many fled? If only a few blacks were oppressed why did black activists risk their lives to ensure freedom for all. I don't think MLK jr would've put himself through that for a "few" people. Megar Evers was gunned down in his driveway in front of his kids because he wanted equal rights. There was a time when Black people began to prosper after the Civil War, out there were not any EEOC protections in place. Someone could easily take what they owned without repercussions or bomb the city (Black Wallstreet). Look at what happened in Rosewood Florida. Then there was Jim crow laws instituted to further hinder black people.
  7. We have only had 1 black president. How old is this nation? You don't know what he had to go through in order to become President. He had to be the best of the best. Trump is an idiot, yet he was elected.
  8. Did you read what I wrote? Give minorities who are qualified a chance instead of given preferential treatment to whites even when they are not qualified
  9. Yes white people wholeheartedly believe they are due special treatment because of their skin color. I agree with you.
  10. Nope. Preferences are not fine because Whites have gotten preferential treatment for centuries. Give others a chance, if they are qualified, don't automatically disqualify them because they are minorities.
  11. You are irrelevant so stop wasting your time commenting on my post. It is comical.
  12. He couldn't take the test because he was black before affirmative action. What is so hard to understand.
  13. Do you care if black people get shafted? Are you saying we dont?
  14. What you believe doesn't matter, and it doesn't stop it from being true:)
  15. No, it is not. My dad could not even test for the job until affirmative action because of his skin color. He was given a chance and scored the highest on the test. He earned his job. Before affirmative action A white person who had a lower score would ve been hired, and my dad would've been left out due to his skin color. My granny and my parents had to ride in the back of the bus. There was a general consensus that black men were not smart enough to be a quarterback, which is racist. Has anyone ever said that white men are not smart enough to be dbs, are they not allowed to try out for that position, are they turned away because they are white? Nope, they are not.
  16. He would not have been given a chance if it not for affirmative action. White people already had the opportunity, they were always allowed to take the test even after affirmative action. My dad scored the highest on the test. He did not take away anyone's opportunity to test. Is it fair that a white person gets a job, merely because he is white, even if a minority is more qualified? You can't erase the past.
  17. How did they have the same opportunities? Did your parents have to ride in the back of the bus, were their family members lynched? Could they eat at restaurants, could they stay at any hotel that they wished? Yes, my parents did not have that luxery. Were your parents denied opportunities because of their race? Were they told they were not good enough, because of their skin color? You should be ashamed of yourself, you cannot erase the past or minimize what my parents have endured.
  18. Affirmative action helps qualified blacks, and allows them a chance to better themselves. How many white kids are admitted that are not up to par merely because they are white or because they are legacy? After the Civil Rights Act, my dad was able to test for a position at Dupont, and he made the highest score. He would have never gotten that opportunity without Affirmative action
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