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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. They won't pair up. It is not going to happen, ever
  2. Yes, not all of the most qualified are white. Minorities will have a chance
  3. We are only 2 generations past the Civil Rights Act. My generation, and my kids' generation. The majority of all college campuses are comprised of white people. Baylor, when my son was there, was only 8 % black, 70% white. Why are you all complaining.
  4. I agree, but she tried to deter him from getting a 4 year degree. If that was his wish, why would she try to persuade him to pursue something else?
  5. White people have always had privileges in this country. Does that upset you?
  6. You went.to college? Dang, where did you go? You need a refund.
  7. Easy for you to say. You did not experience what my mom did. PTSD is real.
  8. Nope, at least now they have a chance. There was a time that people could not get into college because of their race. They had to create HBCUs which were also underfunded. Your kinfolks get in because they are white, and because of nepotism. I made my own way. I have 2 degrees. (4.08 on a 4.0 scale). My son also made his own way. He graduated from Baylor.( 4.9 on a 4.0 scale) He is now a securities broker. My nephew has a degree and is a public relations representative. My sister is a teacher, and my husband is a RN; as well. His white racist guidance counselor at school told him to pick up a trade., because he would never get a 4 year degree. Now he make 6 figures. IN SPITE OF......
  9. The ruling was against TWO universities, but......read the article. 😀 [Hidden Content]
  10. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts explained that college admissions programs can consider race merely to allow an applicant to explain how their race influenced their character in a way that would have a concrete effect on the university. But a student “must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual — not on the basis of race,” Roberts wrote. The majority effectively, There's the caveat.
  11. How have you been affected by racism? My parents tell me stories about being forced to ride in the back of the bus, and being forced to enter the back of a restaurant. That still affects my mom. I remember being 8, and we returning from a lil dribbles game, and the adults were looking at a map because they were trying to figure out an alternate route that would bypass Saratoga, TX, because they feared being lynched. AIso, i had 2 uncles that were lynched.
  12. Affirmative action, not really. There is a stipulation that states that a minority can write about life experiences and how racism has affected him. This will be taken into consideration by admission committees.
  13. He is the President of the Virgin Islands, as well. He did not mention Colorado in jest. [Hidden Content] Trump frequently inflates and complains about the amount of disaster aid that Congress “foolishly gave” Puerto Rico after the deadly destruction from Hurricane Maria in 2017. He has talked as if he doesn’t recognize the U.S. territory as American and, in an April tweet, said Puerto Rico officials “only take from USA
  14. He wanted to talk to the President of Puerto Rico.He was building a border wall in states bordering Mexico, and he named Colorado. He drew a Pic of a hurricane's trajectory because meteorologists didn't agree with him. Must I go on?
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