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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Hopefully the same won't happen in the Senate
  2. Paid for 20 years, owed 27000. After 20 years I owed 26000. I received an email saying that my loan was forgiven, and I celebrated!!!
  3. B.s. Jesus said to help the poor
  4. Do you think that it is ok to touch a woman on her tush without suffering legal ramifications?
  5. One shouldn't be punished for being poor, either
  6. Nope. What has he accomplished.
  7. Paid it back x 3 , besides I am not pretending that I am trying to stop waste.
  8. How do you think Trump is doing so far
  9. Isn't it already like this?
  10. There is a program that already exists, but a President never named it after himself, and the cost wasn't 5 million
  11. Trickle down economics has been proven not to work. Hire more people? Who does Buffet, and Gates personally employ?
  12. Doesnt he have 17 kids with 6 "baby mamas"? He is the White Nick Cannon
  13. If he is so concerned about waste, he should give the money back.
  14. So do you guys believe that the US should negotiate with terrorists ?
  15. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. Trump negotiated with the Taliban
  17. No, they didn't. How do you feel about the shortage of air traffic controllers?
  18. I am talking about cancer research.
  19. Were you? If so, why don't you care about farmers? I feel bad for anyone who loses a job.
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. You would not be this calm if you were a farmer or if you had cancer. Trump has fired some government employees, then he tried to rehire them.
  22. Trump doesnt think much about anything. He just reacts.
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