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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Black people were lynched so that whites could get their land. [Hidden Content]
  2. research before posting. "After Lincolns assassination in 1865, that order was reversed and the land given to black families would be rescinded and returned to White Confederate landowners."
  3. He is not a rarity. I have 2 college degrees, his dad has one, his aunt also has a degree. Every kid that my parents raised have degrees. There are about 30 people in my extended family that are college educated.
  4. It is the truth. Why were the freed slaves not offered reparations?
  5. Black Wallstreet was bombed. Where did they get the planes and the bombs?
  6. This has to be the most stupid comment supporting slavery ever. I am 51 and this is right here, wow. 😅
  7. What? Is that supposed to make us feel better. My ancestors were brutalized, raped, tortured etc. Do you really thing that they would state that what they endured was worth it so that some in their lineage could become rich. Black people are not superior athletically. It depends on the sport.
  8. The first slaves came from Europe, not Africa. [Hidden Content]
  9. What do you think about redlining? Also, there were cities where blacks were really prosperous and white people destroyed them. Rosewood is an example. Also cities in which blacks were doing well were targets of the kkk. They terrorized blacks, and destroyed cities, the blacks that could afford to move did, the others stayed in the city. This was the start of the ghetto.
  10. A black kid accidentally stepped on a white girls shoe in an elevator. He was arrested. A rumor spread and it was stated that he raped the girl. A mob of angry white men gathered near the jail. They wanted to lynch the "boy". Black men went there in an attempt to protect the poor fellow. The sheriff convinced the black men to leave, because he said he had it all under control. A white man attempted to take a black man's gun, even though he had one. That is how things started. Where did they get the planes and bombs from?
  11. Not true. Only disinfranchised, uneducated white men think so. You thought my son was an athlete or got into Baylor because of affirmative action. He had a 4,9 on a 4.0, tested out of numerous college courses etc. He earned it
  12. Without any help from the government. They had to rebuild on their own. They never should've been bombed. So sad. They are still digging up bodies.
  13. Who gave him the authority to attempt to take someone's gun?
  14. Who started it? A black guy stepped on a white girl's shoe in an elevator, subsequently, he was arrested. That is what started it.
  15. I asked a question. Can you answer it. I am sure I make more money than you so my hand is not out. This does not mean that systemic racism doesn't exist.
  16. Why were reparations not given to slaves after they were freed? What about the Tulsa Massacre, which happened on "Black Wall street".? The survivors were not given anything.
  17. He was trying to infer that black people on welfare receive reparations; as if ,whites were not on the system.
  18. There are a lot of people laughing, including Republicans. 🙂
  19. Trump is a joke. One card has a pic of him dressed in a Superman suit 🤣
  20. There are more white people on welfare than black people.
  21. Didn't the Japanese in this country receive reparations after WW2?
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